Järjekordne pildirohke postitus!
Our team won the creativity competition held at 798, so we got these silly plant hairclips as our prize. Apparently this is a trend in China now hah.
Meie tiim võitis 798 kunstipiirkonna challenge'i ja auhinnaks olid siis need naljakad juukselõksud, mille otsas on taim. Tegemist on hetkel Hiinas megapopi trendiga hah.
Eating with chopsticks is quite a challenge to some. Here's the Greek guy Christos finding a solution to his problem. Never hungry in China from now on!
Söögipulkadega söömine on osadele parajaks katsumuseks. Siin on kreeklane Christos oma murele lahendust leidmas. Ja peale seda ei tundnud ta enam kunagi Hiinas nälga!
On Friday me, Giorgia, Chen and Lili went to the Wangfujing shopping street. It was pouring rain all day, so shopping was the right thing to do! And I've already found the Forever 21 store!
Reedel läksin koos Giorgia, Chen'i ja Liliga Wangfujingi tänavale. Kuna päev läbi sadas padukat (metroopeatuses literally uputas), siis šoppamine oli ainuõige tegevus. Ning jah, ma juba leidsin oma lemmiku Forever 21 poe!
Wangfujing street
Omg, Saturday was a loooooonggg day. At first, me, Lili, Christos and Chen planned on finding a gym, but ended up walking around in pouring rain fro two hours. Then we had brunch at UBC coffee, and soon, me and Lili headed to Wudaokou to fetch some things. We bought water kettles, I can make tea and coffee now! We had so many things, we barely fit in the back of the taxi hah
Omg, laupäev oli niiiii pikkk. Kõigepealt üritasime Lili, Christose ja Chen'iga jõuksi leida, aga lõpuks kõndisime niisama kaks tundi padukaga ringi. Seejärel bruntšisime UBC coffee's ja läksime Liliga Wudaokousse. Me ostsime veekeetjad, jee, ma saan teed ja kohvi teha nüüd! Meil oli lõpuks nii palju nänni, et vaevu mahtusime takso tagaistmele ära hah
We also had tried these wacky Taiwanese desserts with sweet potatoes and taro and em... rice cakes?
Me proovisime neid pööraseid Taiwani magustoite kah, kus segatud maguskartulid, taro ja ... riisikoogid?
After all that shopping, we spontaneously decided to go to a party at Sanlitun. Anna-Lisa joined us and we went to Migas, where The Do-Over party was taking place. And basically that was the point where I realised that my fears of Beijing being less exciting than Shanghai were completely wrong. And I'm thankful for that.
Peale kogu seda ostlemist tulime spontaansele otsusele minna Sanlituni peole. Anna-Lisa liitus meiega ning me läksime Migase katuseterrassile, kus toimus The Do-Over pidude sarja pidu. Ja seal terrassil seda vaadet nähes sain lõpuks aru, et mu hirm, nagu Peking oleks Shanghaiga võrreldes kuidagi vähem põnev, olid täiesti asjatud. Õnneks. Suur armastus Pekingi vastu lihtsalt tuli ühe kõikehõlmava lainena ning it's here to stay.
My friend from Shanghai was in town, so we moved the party to a hotel he was staying at. The place is called the Opposite house and it has these awesome designer studio rooms. This room had an oak bathtub in the middle of the damn room. And here we are sitting inside of it, cause why not.//
Üks mu Shanghai sõber oli parajasti linnas, nii et kolisime oma peo hotelli üle, kus ta peatus. Hotelli nimi on Opposite House ning see on jaapanlasest arhitekti Kengo Kuma imekaunis projekt, mis pakub lahedaid stuudiotube. Selles konkreetses toas oli tammepuidust vann keset tuba. Ja siin me oleme selle sees istumas, sest see oli lihtsalt nii vastupandamatu.
The ground floor of the hotel is also an art gallery for contemporary artists. So all in all, this place is really extraordinary.
Just strollin' in Sanlitun
Out and about in the area - there are so many architectural gems in this city!
Wagas veggie salad for dinner on Sunday to end off this amazing week 😌
My Chinese classmates helped me with getting a bike today! It's perfect! I got so excited I just rushed off onto the streets of Beijing and rode like 23 km today. My goal was to reach the Tiananmen square, but my phone battery was about to die and I really needed the Baidu maps app + it was ridiculously hot, so I turned my way around when I was 3 km away from Tiananmen. Oh well, next time! It was awesome and after about 15 minutes on the streets, it stops being scary. Common sense and looking around keeps you safe in this crazy traffic!
Mu hiinlannadest klassiõed aitasid mul täna jalgratast osta! See on täiuslik! Läksin nii elevile, et hüppasin ratta peale, et Pekingi tänavaid avastada ja sõitsin ca 23 km kokku. Mu eesmärk oli jõuda Tiananmeni väljakule, aga mu telefoni aku oli väljasuremas ning praeguses faasis ma sõltun vägagi Baidu maps app'ist, seega pidin kõigest 3 km kaugusel Tiananmenist tagasi pöörama. No ja lisaks oli naeruväärselt palav, nii et olin meeletult läbi (mahlapulk andis energiat vahepeal tho). Aga noh, järgmisel korral siis! See oli niiiiii lahe kogemus ja peale umbes 15 minutit tänavatel pole enam üldse nii hirmus liigelda. Common sense ja pidev ärksus tagab selles hullumeelses liikluses ohutuse!
Drove past a few interesting looking hutongs - I need to explore so many places!
Sõitsin päris mitmest huvitavast hutongist mööda - ma pean nii palju kohti avastama nüüd!
Met up with Lili later today so I could show her the way to another school building and we ended up taking bathroom selfies and I believe this is one of these embarrassing things, which bonds people. Haha, we're like twins, we have the same clothes bought from different parts of the worlds in the same sizes, our hair is the same type (frizzy) and color and we have the same stupid jokes + occasional telepathy. And we were born 3 days apart. Life is a weird thing, dude.
Saime hiljem veel Liliga kokku, et ma saaks talle teed ühte koolihoonesse juhatada ning lõpetasime vetsus selfietades, mis on üks nendest piinlikest tegevustest, mis inimesi ühendab. Me oleme nagu kaksikud, meil on täpselt samad riided ostetud erinevatest maailma linnadest ja samades suurustes, meil on samat tüüpi kahused juuksed ja sama juuksevärv ning otseloomulikult on meil sarnane mage huumor + vahel esineb telepaatiat. Ja meie sünnipäevadel on 3 päeva vahet. Elu on nii veider, dude.
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