Tuesday, September 29, 2015

One month in China

Walks in Beijing
Eilsega möödus täpselt kuu aega sellest, kui saabusin Pekingisse. Uskumatu, kui meeleolukas kõigest üks kuu saab olla ja kui palju ma olen teinud-näinud ja kui palju on veel tegemata jäänud! 

Eks esimesed nädalad uues kohas on alati tegusamad ning tavarutiini tekkides rahuneb olukord veits maha, aga kindel on see, et Sønderborgi-sündroomi siin ei teki - Beijing is always alive!
Homme on meil esimene eksam, seega seminaride ja materjali kordamise tõttu pole eriti aega olnud seiklemiseks, aga 1. oktoobrist algab Golden Week ehk terve nädala kestev suur riiklik puhkus. Kõigil on korraga vaba nädal ja nationwide reisimine leiab aset. Paar aastat tagasi veetsin selle Kuldse nädala rahus Donghua campuses ja sel aastal on mul sarnane plaan püsida Pekingis, kuna ma ei salli trügivaid rahvamasse - eelistaks reisida rahulikumal ajal. Siiani meenutan toonast viga, kui suundusin Nanjing Road'ile jalutuskäigule, aga kuna tegemist on Shanghai ühe popima ostutänavaga, siis surfasin lihtsalt turistimeres ja kui soovisin koju suunduda, avastasin et metroopeatus oli suletud ülerahvastatuse tõttu. Jeeei.
Igatahes, pühendan tänase päeva õppimisele ja peagi toodan uusi põnevaid postitusi - seniks aga paar pilti varasematest avastusretkedest jalgrattal!
I realised that yesterday marked my one month back in China. It's amazing how much can be done and experienced in one month and how much is still ahead of me!
The first weeks in a new place are obviously more exciting and adventurous, than the regular and it will definitely calm down a bit as soon as I'll find my regular routine here, but I'm 100% sure, that the Sønderborg-syndrome will not be an issue here (meaning: days, weeks and months spent the same way... kinda like the movie Groundhog Day).
We're having our first exam tomorrow, so I've been relatively busy with going through the course material and preppring for the seminar, so I haven't really gotten the chance to explore some more. But, as of October 1st Golden Week will kick in, which means a whole week off from school and work and whatnot. Whole China is having holidays at the same time and everyone will go traveling, so I'll try to avoid getting in their way (as I'm not a fan of pushy-touristy crowds) and stick around the campus or move around by bike. I'm still thinking back in horror at that time I went to Nanjing Road for a walk during the Golden Week, which is like the biggest shopping street in Shanghai, and ended up surfing in the crowd of tourists and then found out that the metro station was closed due to the crowds, so it took me ages to get back home. Oh, how silly and naive I was.
Okies, but the rest of today will be spent studying and I promise to publish more exciting posts soon - as for now, just some random photos from my previous bike-trips!

Walks in Beijing
Walks in Beijing

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