Monday, September 14, 2015

Sunday adventures

I don't know how, I don't know when, but Betti and Lili somehow decided to buy a scooter from one Finnish guy who's about to move away from Beijing. The scooter was dirt cheap, so yeah, why not!
I tagged along with Betti on Sunday to pick it up and help riding it back to Zhongguancun - all the way from Sanlitun, which is about 18 km away. 
After a quick tour around Sanlitun SOHO, we hopped on the scooter - Betti was driving and I was reading the map and giving out directions. We switched at one point and oh man, now I can say I've been driving a scooter in China, hah this is so awesome! 
It was such a fun trip, the locals were staring at us and taking pictures hah. We were putting up quite a show also, since I thought Betti wasn't honking the signal enough, so I was occasionally trying to do beeping sounds myself, oh my god, we're absolute nutcases :D 
About 4 km before getting home, our battery died tho... so we had the joy of pushing the scooter for the last bit of the road. It's damn heavy, but we made it home and actually it was a cool experience, as we walked through all these small lanes and alleys and I had the luck of having my camera with me. 
So far, I'm diggin' this Beijing chapter of my life!
Ma ei tea, millal, ja ma ei tea, kuidas, aga Betti ja Lili ostsid kuidagi rolleri mingilt soomlaselt, kes peagi Pekingist minekut teeb. Roller oli võiku hinnaga, nii et tõepoolest, why not!
Pühapäeval läksin Bettiga kaasa Sanlitun SOHO'sse rollerile järgi, et aidata tal see toimetada Zhongguancuni. See on ca. 18 km pikkune vahemaa. Kõigepealt sõitis Betti ja mina olin kaardilugeja, poole peal vahetasime. Nii et jep, nüüd võin öelda, et olen rolleriga Hiinas kihutanud, hah nii lahe!
See oli kohutavalt naljakas trip, kohalikud jõllitasid meid ja pildistasid koguaeg. Ja eks me korraldasime parajalt kino kah, näiteks minu meelest Betti ei andnud piisavalt signaali, et endast teel märku anda, seega üritasin ise signaali jäljendada ja üritasin signaali heli ise imiteerida - ohissand me oleme napakad :D
Ca. 4 km enne sihtpunkti sai elektriaku tühjaks, nii et järgijäänud vahemaa me lihtsalt lükkasime rollerit. Ei kurda tegelikult, kuna meil avanes võimalus kõndida läbi imeliste väikeste kõrvaltänavate ja mul oli parajasti fotokas kaasas.
Ma olen selle Pekingi elurütmiga nii rahul, kõik on niiiiiii põnev!

Rickshaw at Sanlitun

Sanlitun SOHO
Ayi and her balloons
Sanlitun SOHO
Sanlitun SOHO
Street food
Street food
Lurkin in the alleys
Tidy mess
Neon dreams
Xinjiang street sweets
When the battery of your scooter dies
Rooftop hangs
UCAS campus at night

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