Thursday night was pretty rad, as Dada Bar hosted a Do Hits party along with the UK Dubstep & Grime pioneer, Plastician.
And I was there taking pictures of cool Beijing hipster kids and dancing. Loads of fun, tho Friday was a struggle (due to lack of sleep, you silly, what'd you think - I'm a responsible drinker). So on Friday to Saturday, I slept like 10 consecutive hours to catch up with my sleep and woke up wondering what year it was, 'cause it seemed as if I'd been hibernating for ages.
Among other fun facts, Dada Bar was just recently awarded with Best Alternative Club award by Time Out Beijing (here).
Other fun facts - Vice China is hosting a tour of parties to end off this year (if you can read Chinese, here) and they've invited Pyrmdplaza, Andre Power and The Whooligan of the Soulection crew to play there. Also, our local homies Howie Lee and Jason Hou will have their sets as well. Takes place at MOMA Beijing, which is like the dopest building around. And it's for free. I'm hyperventilating, cause I know this is gonna be a fire night.
So far tho, do have a look at the local cool kids and what you're missing out on.
I'm also super-bummed I don't have my external flash with me here in Beijing... Out of all the times, when I need it the most, it's back in ye olde Estonia. Considering buying a new one here :/
Neljapäeval oli Dada Bar'is taaskord Do Hits sarja pidu, kus lisaks kohalikele produtsentidele mängis oma set'i ette ka UK Dubstep'i ja Grime'i legend, Plastician. Ja otseloomulikult olin ma platsis, tegin pilte lahedatest Pekingi hipsteritest ja tantsisin. Meeleolukas öö oli, kuigi seetõttu oli reede üsna ränk (magamatuse tõttu ja tantsimisest valusad lihased lisaks, mis sa siis arvasid - ma oskan vastutustundlikult alkoholi tarbida siiski hehe). Reede öösel vastu laupäeva sain oma kaotatud unetunnid tasa teha ja magasin 10 tundi jutti, nii et ärgates oli esimene küsimus, et mis aasta praegu on - nagu oleks terve igaviku maganud.
Teiste lõbusate faktide hulgas - Dada Bar võitis Best Alternative Club auhinna Time Out Beijing aastakokkuvõttes (siin).
Ja teisi fakte - Vice China korraldab terve suure pidude sarja üle Hiina, et tähistada aasta lõppu (kui jagad Hiina keelt, siis siin) ning kokku on kutsutud Soulection'i pundi Pyrmdplaza, Andre Power ja The Whooligan. Lisaks on platsis meie omad Pekingi kutid, Howie Lee ja Jason Hou. Pekingi peo asukohaks on MOMA kunstimuuseum, mis on üks lahedamaid hooneid terves linnas. Ja sissepääs on tasuta. Okei, mul on kogu selle mõtte peale hapnikupuudus juba, sest ma aiman, et tuleb megagigahea õhtu.
Aga seniks, tšekake lahedaid kohalikke ja nende eklektilist stiili ja ühe hea õthu pilte.
Pilte vaadates olen üsna kurb, et mu external flash on kodus Eestis. Õhh, just nüüd, kus oleks seda tõesti vaja, pole seda käepärast - mm, kas ostaks uue?
Howie Lee
Howie Lee, Conrank & Plastician
Your's truly
The amazing Chinese superpower of being able to sleep at any occasion - here, at a party in Dada
Veeeky & Plastician
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