Yeh, I'm back to my crazy 京 city!
And no surprise here, but this place has sucked me in with its usual madness & business. No complaints!
This week I've already managed to celebrate Jet's birthday in the Beiluoguxiang, gone flat hunting, hung around in the hutongs and taken night-time ofo bike rides... And last night I went to see an Estonian band perform in the Dusk Dawn Club of Beijing.
DDC is a rather hip little hutong venue and while I hear about the place once every few weeks, last night was actually the first time I'd actually gone there.
With I Wear*Experiment in town, it was def the right time for a visit!

Funny enough, I met some Latvians and a few more Estonians at the gig. Aaaand I brought Vee along, so it was a real Baltic gathering!

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