Friday, July 16, 2010

It was acceptable at the time

Went to a beer-fest on Wednesday with some friends. Well, obviosly not because of the beer, since i'm underaged and so. No, i was more into the festival-fun, the carnival-park and uhm, maybe mr. Calvin Harris, the "i created disco" guy? Well, we did have a massive amount of fun, especially riding that wild thing you can see from the pictures. Plus we really enjoyed the concert, Calvin was amazing altough the concert was pretty short. And some drunk fellas without shirts squished us in the middle of a sandwich. So not cool.
In the end we walked for like two hours from one part to the other to get home, it was a nice walk, the night was warm :)

Ooh, look, someones bungee-jumping in the background! (we were on the thingy in the front)

Waiting. I'm the blonde in blue sjorts, Maris is the brunette with black&white shorts)
ollesummer,concert,calvin harris,techno,tallinn,2010

Käisin kolmapäeval Õllesummeril. Ilmselt mitte õlu pärast, sest olen ju siiski alaealine. Eiei, pigem festivalimelu, tivolituuri ja khm, võibolla ka härra Calvin Harrise pärast, selle tüübi, kes "leiutas disko"? Igaljuhul saime kohutavalt palju nalja, eriti sõites selle pöörase karuselliga, mida pildil ka näha. Pealekauba oli Calvini kontsert vinge, olgugi et see oli üsna lühike. Vahepeal olime ka kahe topless ja purupurjus tüübi omavahelise "sandwichi" täidiseks. Ei ole lahe.
Lõpuks kõndisime nii umbes kaks tundi ühest linna otsast teise, et koju saada, aga öö oli soe ning kokkuvõttes saime ühe mõnusa öise jalutuskäigu :)

1 comment

stasie said...

merci for commenting!)

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