Monday, March 7, 2011


I'm so bad at dealing with official papers. I'm constantly afraid that i misunderstand some part and that my filled out papers aren't valid because of that. Ugh, so much to do - gotta translate some parts, then i have to go and search people who have the access to my grades from 11th class on internet (cause i only see my grades from 10th and 12th grade - makes ense?) aaaaand hopefully i can send these papers to where they have to be. Before 15th of March. I know, it seems like a lot of time, but trust me, lately it just slips away somewhere.
Babaah, anyways, tomorrow will be the International Women's Day! Don't know about you, but in Estonia this day is really relevant, so we got some presents ahead already :) Just some pretty spring flowers, tulips, and some nice stuff from Oriflame. And candy - can't live without it!

That green thingy is for bubble bath and it smells like marzipan - love it!!
Haha, the tiniest bottle of perfume i've ever seen!
Some new herbal tea, really good!

Issand, ma olen kohutav ametlike paberitega jamamises. Mind painab pidevalt hirm, et saan mingist osast valesti aru ja et seetõttu mu täidetud paberid ei kõlba kuskile. Ugh, nii palju on tarvis teha - pean mingeid hinnetelehti tõlkima, siis otsima inimest, kel on ekoolis võimalik näha mu 11. klassi hindeid (sest klassijuhataja näeb ainult 10. ja 12. klassi omi - loogiline ju) jaaaaaaaaaa loodetavasti saan kogu krempli enne 15. märtsi ära saata. Tundub, nagu oleks veel piisavalt aega, aga kogemused on näidanud, et aeg on visa ksukile kaduma.
Homme on siis ka rahvusvaheline naistepäev. Mida iganes selle kohta ka ei räägita (blablaa, nõukogudeaegne iganenud püha ja muud pahna), minu arust on tegemist väga armsa kevadise päevaga, millega kindlasti seonduvad lilled! Saime juba pisut varem ilusaid tulpe sel puhul ja pisut head-paremat Oriflamelt. No ja kommi ka - ega siis selleta ei saa! Haha, ning head vastlapäeva homme ka, sööge kuklit ja hernesuppi ja olge rõõmsad :)


Unknown said...

Mis programmiga sa neid valgeid täpikesi tõõtlesid parfüümipildile ? :)

Alena said...

I just got the same bubble bath today! ) It's so yummy ))

Kriss said...

M: See on Photofiltrega, tasuta programm. Sealt "Filter" ja "Photomasque" ja ma ise olen lihtsalt netist sinna kausta pilte lisanud, millega neid effekte teha. Muidu kokku teen kahe programmiga, eelpool mainitu ja Photoscpapega.
A: Tell me about it! :)


OHHHHH MY GODDDDDDDDDDD. This is really embarrassing but THAT PHOTO TOTALLY TRIPPED ME. I've been staring at it for, like, five miuntes. I adore it. How did it happen?

And ah, I hate officially documents too! They're just... too official.

Kriss said...

Haha, Lexy, which one do you mean? :D But glad to hear that, thank's for sharing some love :)

Updates By Her said...

I like these pictures!! And ur shirt looks really nice! :)

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