Saturday, January 7, 2012

Across the Universe

The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever 
Last winter in Tallinn (I miss snow!)
Mikro - tehtud! 
Enam-vähem jäin rahule, kuigi aega oleks võinud väheke rohkem olla, kui kõigest kaks tundi. Kõik oli tehtav, aga graafikut läpakas joonistada ja faktoreid ja murrujooni oma töösse sisse nikerdada nõudis omajagu aega (ja sellistel hetkedel libiseb mu näpp alati ebavajalike asjade peale - nt avasin keset eksamit Windows Movie Maker'i ja siis pidin passima, kuni see sulguks), nii et ma paari viimase ülesande juurde ei jõudnudki, böö. Olgu, peamine on see, et läbi ei kukuks, muu ei loe hetkel. 
Järgmise eksami hirmu varjutab mu jaoks fakt, et vähem kui nädala pärast olen juba kodus! Eestis, Tallinnas, oma toas! Ootan juba seda hetke, mil saan koduuksest sisse astuda ning... teate küll, kui oled kodunt kaua ära olnud ja esimest korda taas uksest sisse astud ja tuttav KODUlõhn sinuni jõuab. Nii et tasakesti peaks vist oma asju kohvri poole lükkama.. et need siis viimasel hetkel kaootiliselt sisse visata ja kümme tuhat muud asja maha unustada (nagu ikka juhtub).

Micro - done!
I'm feeling quite ok about with how I did, though it totally should have lasted more than just two hours. I think the exam itself was manageable, but drawing graphs and adding factorizers and nice-looking equations to the work needs so much time on a laptop (not to mention that my finger slipped on them ost random things - like how I opened Windows Movie Maker in the middle of the exam and waited for it to close), so I didn't get to the last few questions at all. But whatever, what matters to me is that hopefully I will pass.
The fear for the next exam is totally overshaded by the fact, that already in less than a week, I will be home! In Estonia, in Tallinn, in my own room! I just can't wait for that moment... you know, when you've been away from home for a long time and that moment when you step into your home, you feel that familiar scent of your dear home! 
So yeah, I think I should slowly start piling my stuff next to my suitcase... so I could just throw everything in on the last moment and additionally forget like ten thousand other useful things (which usually tends to happen).
Lisaks kõigele hiilisime eile öösel taaskord ülikooli ning vaatasie filmi - seekord siis "Across the Universe"i. Seda filmi võiks vist kirjeldada, kui "Moulan Rouge"i, mis leiab aset 60datel/70datel ning absoluutselt kõik laulud, mis filmis kõlasid, olid The Beatles'i looming. Põhiliselt on film ikkagi armastusest, kuid kohati muutus kõik mingiks väga psühhedeelseks muusikavideolaadseks sigrimigriks ning visuaalselt (ja muusika poole pealt - halloo, The Beatles!) oli film väga lahedalt lahendatud. Cherry on top - Evan Rachel Wood (kelle lauluhääl küll suurem asi polnud) ning tegelaskujud, kes on loodud Jimi Hendrixi ja Janis Joplini põhjal. Ja filmi eksis ära ka Bono, kes sooritab ühe väga trippy LSD sõidu koolibussiga. Srsly, worth the watch. Ja tänane päev möödus "Strawberry fields"i kuulates.

On top of everything, we snuk into the university last night to watch a movie - this time, it was "Across the Universe. I'd say it was something like "Moulin Rouge", but takes place in the 60's/70's and absolutely all the songs used in that movie are created by the Beatles. The film is mostly about love, but at some point it turned into this crazy psychedelic music video and thus, the visual side (and the musical part - hello, the Beatles!) was really really awesome. The cherry on top for me would be Evan Rachel Wood (though she's not muh of a singer in my humble opinion) and characters, who were based on Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin. Plus, at some point you could notice Bono, who was singing "I am Walrus" and was a part of a really trippy LSD ride on a schoolbus. Really worth the watch. And of course, I've been listening to "Straberry fields" whole day now.

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