Sunday, January 15, 2012


No tegelikult tahtsime uisutama minna, aga tuleb välja, et Trummi spordibaasi tiigikese jää ei kanna veel... Nii et külmetasime niisama Nõmmel... Aga oioioi, kui paljuks meil juttu jagus, pidime ju viis kuud tasa tegema! Ja ei jõudnudki lõpuni oma heietustega. Varsti uus katse siis.
Kuuskede põletamine oli ka Mustakal. No me Irmeliga vanad püromaanid juba, nautisime vaatepilti mõnuga.

So actually we wanted to go skating, but the ice wasn't strong enough so noone was allowed to go there. Instead we just hung around Nõmme and froze our butts off. boy, did we have a lot of stuff to catch on to, I mean five months worth of stories! And we still need more time to finish our stories, so a new attempt tomorrow for that.
Oh, and old Christmas trees were burned today at our home place. Me and Irmeli, good ol' pyromaniacs as we are enjoyed that one.

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