Why hello there, beautiful!
Kõmpisin hommikul trennist koju, keerasin koduaeda ja woah! Kust need iludused järsku tekkisid? Võin vanduda, et eile neid veel küll polnud...
EDIT: Since I noticed, there's been a lot of traffic from Germany and other countries besides Estonia on this blog, I'm going to try and write additionally in English... once again!
Anywhoo, I was returning from the gym this morning, walked into our garden and I was so surprised - where did all of these plum blossoms suddenly appear from? I can swear, they weren't there yesterday!
EDIT: Since I noticed, there's been a lot of traffic from Germany and other countries besides Estonia on this blog, I'm going to try and write additionally in English... once again!
Anywhoo, I was returning from the gym this morning, walked into our garden and I was so surprised - where did all of these plum blossoms suddenly appear from? I can swear, they weren't there yesterday!
Nii ilus :) Kuidas ma tahaks juba sellist õiget kevadet, nagu teil seal!
Ega see teil ka tulemata jää, mulle juba raporteeriti Eestist, et suur sula on käes :)
Ma elan Lõuna-Hollandis ja siin ka ikka täitsa kevad. Terve eelmise nädala ulatusid temperatuurid 21 kraadini, siinne kliima sobib mulle ikka palju rohkem :)
Aaah, veab, meil veel nii soe ka ei ole, kuigi täna suutsin juba nii koju minna, et kindad jätsin taskusse ja jakihõlmad olid mõnusalt eest lahti (minusuguse külmavarese pugul on see üsna sensatsiooniline). Ootan juba pikisilmi seda aega, mil meilgi samad kraadid, nagu teil seal :)
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