Thursday, August 2, 2012

The one that’s been stealing stars

Charli XCX - You're The One (Odd Future's The Internet ft. Mike G Remix) 

Tasakesti hakkab meelde tulema, kui mõnus on pisut suuremas linnas elada - hommikul kodunt väljuda, linna peal jalutada, rohketesse poodidesse sisse põigata, väsinuna õhtul koju jõuda ning taibata, et tegelikult moodustas täna nähtu vaid imepisikese osa tervest linnast. 
Hmm, kas Sonderborg ka kunagi suuremaks laieneb? Nii, et kui rattaga sõita linnakese ühest otsast teise, siis kestab see ikka rohkem, kui napid 15 minutit.
So I'm starting to remember, how great it is to live in a bigger city - just going out in the morning, walk around in the city, stop by at many shops along the way, go home in the evening, be tired and realize, that today you jsut went only through a tiny part of the whole city.
I wonder if Sonderborg will ever grow bigger? So when you ride your bike from one part of the town to another it would last a bit longer than mere 15 minutes.


Anni said...

Sul on üliossomness blogi ja nauditavad pildid. :)

Kriss said...

Aitähh :)
Ka sinu blogi jäi ilusate fotodega silma!

Nhi said...

wow you look super cute in this dress:) i love big cities too:)


Anni said...

woopwoop, siis oleme tasa :D

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