Friday, November 9, 2012

TGIF at Home

Pearl Jam - Black

Mis kell läheksid Sina reedel magama, kui peaksid laupäeval kell 5 hommikul ärkama? 
Vot ma ise ka ei tea... mõistus ütleb, et mida varem, seda parem, aga ilmselt läheb nii, nagu alati...
Kerti ostis uue laua ja selle kokkupanek tekitas momente, kus oleks tahtnud peaga vastu seina joosta... Hea, et meil on Michelle, kes oskab vist kõike kokku panna, parandada, lahti võtta, timmida... ja mõelge siia veel tuhat asjalikku tegusõna lisaks!
If You'd have to wake up on Saturday at 5 a.m., when would you go to sleep on Friday?
I have no idea... my mind is telling me the sooner the better, but I guess the regular will happen...
Kerti bought a new table and putting that thing together generated some moments, where one would seriously want to hit their head against a wall... Good thing we have Michelle, who is a master of putting stuff together, fixing them, taking stuff apart, tinkering with them... and think of any other thousand useful verbs in addition!

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