Saturday, December 1, 2012


The Weeknd - The Zone ft. Drake (D.Fine Remix)

1. Walk in Flensburg
2. Last holy dinner with Maris
3. Serious study time & coffee
4. Statistics is messing with my head and giving me hell
1. Always wanted to try these, they're nice
2. Taking it easy and comfy on Friday
3. Such a pro (not)
4. Christmas lights on main street
1. Skating rink is open!
2. Getting ready for girls night
3. Yesterday at Cafeen with Kerti
4. Last Thursday, while introducing Tutten to Maris
hell yea
New babies for Christmas dinner.


JOIK'id koos. Sirel oli pisut liiga läila, aga kaneelikohv meeldib kohutavalt. 
 JOIK reunited. The lilaq one is kinda too sweet, but cinnamon coffee is supah good.

Jessjess, ma ei ole enam pime! Sain Flensburgist hea pakkumisega kuuajalised läätsed ning olen õnnest pöörane! Enne kasutasin ühepäevaseid ning mul oli koguaeg tunne, et see on kohutav raiskamine. Nüüd on elu jälle paika loksunud.
Yay, I'm not blind anymore! Got monthly lenses for a great deal in Flensburg and I can't express how glad I am now! Used dailies before and it felt like such a waste. So now my life is in tact once again.
Kuiva ilma käimad, head sossukad. Ja ootamatult soojad! 
Bootsies for dry weather, nice & comfy. And so warm!

Muidu olen pisut väss, aga üritan ikka asjalik olla ja peale õppimise möllasin pesuga ning koristasin ja olin igati kasulik. Ilmselt üritan tõsisest õppimisest kõrvale nihverdada.
Lumelärakat sadas täna ka.
In general, I'm a bit tired, but trying to be handy-dandy and besides studying been messing around with the laundry and cleaning and just being useful. Guess I'm trying to find excuses to not study more seriously.
Something that looked like snpw came down from the sky today aswell.

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