Coves - Wicked Game (Chris Isaak Cover)
Elu nagu ameerika mägedel, kõik minutid on ära planeeritud.
Täna lendasin peale tööd taaskord kooli, nelja tunniga saime kõik riided ja aksessuaarid lõpuks ära pildistada (naiivsed, nagu me olime, lootsime algselt kõik teisipäeval valmis saada... ee, vast siiski mitte).
Rattakumm on omadega metsas ja miinuskraadidega olen veel vähem kompetentne seda parandama - keda ma petan, ma ei oska seda ka sooja ilmaga parandada.
Homme kella kuueks hommikul tööle, seega lebo koduõhtu, õpin ja loen ja kuulan muusikat. Terve nädalavahetuse õpin, sest neljapäeval juba kauaoodatud hiina keele mid-term exam. Fun times.
Suddenly, my life is on some wild ride like a rollercoaster, where each and every minute is planned full.
Today had to storm to uni after work, for antother fun 4 hour photoshoot. We finally got all the clothes & accessories shot (ah, how naive we were - to hope we'd manage everything on Tuesday...erm, probably not.)
My bike-tire is officially dead and I'm not very competent on repairing it with these minus degrees (though I'm not fooling anyone here, I have no idea what to do even with warmer weather).
Gonna go to work tomorrow from 6 a.m., so I'm having this cozy Friday night at home, studying, reading & listening to music. Guess I'll continue with this pattern throughout the whole weekend, since the dreaded mid-term exam in chinese is gonna be on Thursday. Fun times.
Agnes, rocking that vintage Lolita look
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