Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Fort Romeau - SW9

portfolio 025

portfolio 029v2

Tavaline teisipäev täiesti tavaliste Business Law loengutega, seejärel pisut eksamiks õppimist, turbokõnd koju, turbokõnd kooli tagasi ja pildistama! Uudne kogemus oli pildistamisel meigi eest hoolitseda - ma tulen iseendagagi napilt toime, kuidas ma siis kedagi teist küll jumestama peaks? 
Igastahes, varsti saab näidata rohkem tulemusi koostööst Agnese ja Rebekaga, le patience.
Totally regular Tuesday with totally regular Business Law lectures, then some studying for the exams, speedwalking home and speedwalking back to the university aaand of to taking pictures! This time had the new experience of taking care about the make up aswell - come on, I can barely make myself look decent, I have no idea how to do make up for someone else. 
Anyways, there will be more from the collaboration with Agnese and Rebeka soon!

1 comment

nope said...

Pretty photos! :)

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