Saturday, September 28, 2013

Everyday Instagram Snaps

Sky Ferreira - You're Not The One

On repeat, all the time.

 Meil on otse campus'e kõrval absoluutselt vapustav park, mille keskel on tiigike ja sild, paviljon, laste lõbustuspark, pisike kunstimuuseum... Vanurid teevad tai-chi harjutusi, ülejäänud mängivad pisikeste lauakeste taga mahjong'i, lapsed jooksevad ringi, pered peavad piknikke. Täielik rahu-oaas keset urbanistlikku džunglit.
We have this really neat park near our campus, there's a pond and a tiny bridge, a pavillion, an amusement park for kids, a tiny art museum... Seniors are practising their tai-chi moves, some are playing mahjong around tiny tables, kids are running around and families are havign picnics. A perfectly peaceful oasis in the heart of an urban jungle.
 Ühel ilusal reedel läksin spordivarustust ostma (hell yea, joogamatt ja hantlid ja spordiriided) ning täiesti juhuslikult jäin viimase nelja aasta karmima vihmatormi alla (nii hull, et Shanghai Meteoroloogiline Büroo väljastas punase vihmatormi hoiatuse). Muidugi oli ja kolmeteistkümnes reede. 
Ehk siis olin uues linnaosas lõksus, sest ma ei saanud suure padukaga isegi õiget bussipeatust leida. Jooksin ühte panka lootuses, et vihm jääb mõne minuti pärast vaiksemaks ja külmetasin õhukonditsioneeri all, 30 min hiljem otsustasin, et enam pole vahet ja pean siiski koju liikuma. Selleks ajaks oli tänavatel tõeline uputus, nii et vesi oli peaaegu põlvini. Vihmavarju mul muidugi polnud, nii et sumpasin kilekotti pea kohal hoides (haha, lootsin kuivaks jääda) läbi lainetavate tänavate ning kiljusin aegajalt, kui mõne teeaugu tõttu veel sügavamale vette vajusin. Vandusin ka üsna palju, valjult ja eesti keeles, nii et ehmatasin nii mõnegi kohaliku vist ära... aga olukord oli nii vastik lihtsalt. Jõudsin lõpuks bussile, kui see liikus üleaeglaselt edasi halbade teeolude tõttu, külmetasin jälle otse õhukonditsioneeri all ning kuskil pidin veel ümber istuma, aga peale 40 minutit ootamist otsustasin jalgsi liikuda... Kojuminek võttis 3 tundi aega. Spordipoodi läksin 40 minutit. 
Jah, siin ei hakka kunagi igav.
There was this one wonderful Friday when I went to a sports store after class (hell yeaa, yogamat and weights and new clothes) and through some coincidence it happened to be the Friday when we had the worst rainstorm in last four years (it was so bad, the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau issued a red rainstorm alert). It was also Friday the 13th.
So yeah, then I found myself stranded in some unknown part of the city, since I didn't even know where the bus stop was. I tried to wait for the rain to pass at some random bank, stood under the AC for 30 minutes and was really freezing, then I felt like it doesn't really matter, I have to get home. By that time the streets were completely flooded and the waterlevel was almost up to my knee. As I didn't have an umbrella, I tried to use some plastic bag to cover my head (haha, great attempt at keeping yourself dry, really, level genius) and just ran through the flooded streets, occasionally screaming and cursing in Estonian... it was just bad. Made it to the bus, but of course, in these conditions it was moving like a snail and once again I was sitting soaking wet under an AC. The last part home I had to walk. The whole way home took me about 3 hours. When I first went to the store, it took me around 40 minutes.
Yeah, it's never boring around here.
 Muse on the Bund, one of the most famous clubs of SH.
 Bundil, imetlege võimast Pudongi!
On the Bund, look at the wonderful Pudong!
 Öösel peolt koju tulles näeb campuse kõrval sellist ratastel vagunid, kus Lähis-Ida kutid igasuguseid köögivilju, seeni ja liha mingi kummalise terava kastme sees keedavad. Eile ostsime neilt seda letil olevat lapikut leiba ka, see oli üle mõistuse hea!
Coming back from a party in the night and you see these guys near the campus with their wagon, where they'll prep some veggies or meat in some spicy sauce for you. We tried the bread they're selling yesterday for the first time, damn, it was so good.
 Hih, järgmisel päeval läksime linna peale ostutuurile, jõime kohvi ja ootasime poodide avanemist Agnesega.
Hih, the next day we went shopping to Nanjing. Drinking our coffees and waiting for the stores to open with Agnes.
 At the Wedding with Rebeka, showing off our fabulous qipaos.
 The fab wedding.
 Saturdays at Perry's bar.
 Koduseid töid saame korralikult.
We get a decent amount of homework around here.
 Hommikujooks kell 6 ja igahommikune kohv, sest ma ei oska endiselt normaalsel ajal magama minna. Ma ei saa aru, kuidas on võimalik keskkooli ajast nii vähese unega eksisteerida, but oh well, elan ja askeldan siiamaani! :D
Morning run at 6 and my everyday cup of coffee, since I'm still not very good at going to sleep at a decent time. I'm acutally wondering how is it possible to function with such little sleep starting from my high school times, but oh well, I'm still functioning! :D
  Nanjing shopping street - 热闹
Otse kooli kõrval on puuviljaputkat, käin seal iga päev ja sealt saab absoluutselt kõike - esindatud on õunad, pirnid, virsikud, pomelod, apelsinid, rohelised mandariinid, arbuusid, viinamarjad, viigimarjad, tomatid, hurmaad, mangod, papaiad, melonid. Isegi üliodavad juba kooritud draakoniviljad ja kohutavalt haisvad durianid on esindatud seal. Luban, et ühel päeval pigistan nina kinni ja proovin duriani ka ära, hetkel kogun julgust. 
There are a lot of fruit shops here, two of them are right next to our campus and I go there basically every day. They have pretty much everything - apples, pears, peaches, pomelos, oranges, green tangerines, watermelons, grapes, figs, tomatoes, persimmons, mangoes, papaias, melons. Even supercheap and peeled dragonfruits, also superstinky durians. Promise I'll try the durian one day aswell, now I'm still preparing myelf for that experience.
Siia tulles märkasin, et läheduses pole ühtki sushi kohta ning olin pisut kurb. Umbes nädala alguses hakati ühes poekeses lammutama, siis juba remontima ja nädala lõpuks oli sushiputka valmis! Täna käisimegi proovimas... Sushi on siin võrreldes Taaniga nii meeletult odav, ma ei saa endiselt oma eufooriast üle. Haarasin menüü kaasa, nüüd proovin veidi tõlkida ja mul on tunne, et hakkan seal üsna tihti käima!
I noticed there is no sushi place around the campus and I was kinda sad about it. Beginning of this week, they started remodelling one of the shops on the main street and by the end of the week, poof, we got a sushibooth right next to our campus! Went to try it out today... Sushi prices are so shockingly little here compared to the ones in Denmark, I still can't shake off this euphoric feeling. I grabbed one of the menus with me, now I'm gonna try to translate it a bit and something tells me I'm gonna be a frequent customer there!

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