Friday, November 29, 2013

Gold On The Ceiling

The Black Keys - Gold on the Ceiling

Mon dieu, milline nädal! Mitte just kõige positiivsemas võtmes, sest 3 päeva olin taas rajalt maas haige, neljapäevaks proovisin end kokku võtta ja koolis käia, kuid see oli paras enesepiinamine, sest olin endiselt nõrk... Alles täna suutsin end inimese moodi tunda, pakatasin energiast ja jõudsin nii kiiresti materjaliga järgi, nii et poleks nagu tundidest puudunudki, jehuu! Ja kogu selle kobrutava energiaga lendan otse nädalavahetusse, kuid mõeldes eelkõige oma pisut räsitud organismile (ja rahakotile, hahah), siis võtan seekord rahulikult :) Tervist tuleb hoida ja peale kolme päeva voodirežiimis virelemist, hindan seda veelgi enam. Elagu tervis ja vive le nädalavahetus!
Ja kuna sel nädalal kaamerat ma ei puudutanud, siis paar pilti eelmisest reedest!
Mon dieu, what a week! And not in the most positive sense, because I spent 3 days sick and while I did attend uni on Thursday, I still felt nauseous. Friday felt perfect though, I was once again radiating energy and managed to catch up with the material so well, it feels like I never missed any classes at all! And with all of this bubbling energy I'm moving on right to my weekend, but since I'm taking my health into consideration (and my wallet, haha), I'm going to take it easy this time :) Being healthy is a real gift, which after three days spent in bed I really treasure. Cheers to health and cheers to the weekend!
And since I didn't touch my camera this week at all, here's a couple of pics from last Friday!

Well prepped & ready to step to Starbucks for a long writing session!
Perfecting our culinary skills with the girls & making a no-bake cookie cake (küpsisetort). While a cookie cake is a fairly common thing in Estonia (and as it appears to be, also in Latvia), we did get a lot of surprised reactions from others (surprised, yet very positive). Gingerbread cookies, combined with plain oatmeal cookies, layered with caramel pudding (usually it's cottage cheese or creme fraiche, but milk products are SUPER expensive for this sorta stuff in China, so you have to be creative with substitutes), bananas and dark chocolate.... It looked like a chocolate truffel in the end. Oh yum.

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