Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Red Town

 Efterklang - Black Summer

Eile pärastlõunal trippisime Red Town galeriilinnakusse. Red Town ehk 红坊 oli rauatehas, millest on nüüd saanud pisike loominguline get away area - galeriid, hubased kohvikud ja väga sürr skulptuuripark. Eriliseks lemmikuks oli just vana tehase külm robustsus ja teravad vormid vs. eksootilised palmid ja taimed.
Täiesti juhuslikult esines eile samas piirkonnas ka Taani bänd Efterklang ja täiesti juhuslikult nägin ma kutte oma pille just sealsamas lahti pakkimas. Seega ma põhimõtteliselt põrkasin nendega kokku ja jõllitasin neid suures uskumatuses liiga pikalt ja naljakalt. Ja et kogu lugu veel ägedam oleks, mainin ära, et Efterklangi poisid on pärit Sonderborgist ning jälle tundub, et meie maakera on ikka parajalt väike koht elamiseks.
Tuesday afternoon we headed to Red Town creative zone. Red Town or 红坊 used to be an old steel factory, which now has been turned into a creative get away area - it boasts galleries, cozy coffee shops and a very surreal sculpture park. I especially loved the cold concrete feel of the old factory vs. exotic palm trees and plants combo.
As a complete damn coinky-dink coincidence, a Danish band Efterklang was performing there last night, so I saw the guys unloading their equipment to the venue. So basically I bumped into them and was just staring them in a possibly creepy way, just because I found it so unbelievable. And to make this even more awesome, the guys actually originate from Sonderborg, so once again I realize that this world is a really tiny place to live on. 
Red Town, Shanghai
Red Town, Shanghai
Red Town, Shanghai
Red Town, Shanghai
Red Town, Shanghai
Red Town, Shanghai
Red Town, Shanghai
Red Town, Shanghai
Suddenly I started craving a workspace similar to this - a cozy messy gallery, a creative get-away
Red Town, Shanghai
Haha, loved this piece
Red Town, Shanghai
The gallery also held a couple of bookstores filled with interesting finds
Red Town, Shanghai
Red Town, Shanghai
Red Town, Shanghai
Red Town, Shanghai
Red Town, Shanghai
Red Town, Shanghai
Red Town, Shanghai
Red Town, Shanghai
Red Town, Shanghai
Red Town, Shanghai
A car of bricks - brilliant
Red Town, Shanghai
Another store full of things with cool designs
Red Town, Shanghai
Sonya and Eisvyde showing some love to the car
Red Town, Shanghai

Red Town, Shanghai

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