Sam Smith - Nirvana
Paari viimase päeva jooksul jõudis minuni, kui kummaline see ikkagi on, et Shanghais ei ole jõulud ametlik püha ning elu läheb täiest tavapärase tempoga edasi (tavapärasest isegi kiireminigi, sest koolitööd ei taha unarusse jätta, aga samal ajal peab hambad ristis ekstra vaeva nägema, et saaks lubada endale pisut vaba aega ja traditsioonilisi jõulupühi, nagu kodus ikka).
Naljakas on Euroopas paiknevate sõpradega rääkida ning kuulata/lugeda jutte sellest, kuidas neil käsil jõuluõhtusöögid ja -peod, piparkookide küpsetamised, jalutuskäigud vanalinnas... Kõigil, kel võimalik, minge palun minu eest Raekoja platsile, hankige tassike hõõgveini ja imetlege kaunist kuuske ja jõuluatmosfääri :)
Ma siin samal ajal jätkan argielu katsumustega ning eks luban endale ka paar vaba päeva, haha, süsteemile allumatu, nagu ma olen :D
Just hit me, how strange it is that Christmas is really not a big thing in Shanghai and life goes on here as usual (maybe even faster than usual, since can't really loosen up with the school, but this also means working extra hard to earn that piece of free time for celebrating our own traditional version of Christmas).
It's really funny to talk with everyone back in Europe, how they're setting up their decorations and trees, how many Christmas dinners and parties they have to attend, hear about all the gingerbread cookies that need to be baked, about the walk in our marvellous Tallinn Old Town... Really, if anyone has a chance, please go there for me, get a cup of hot mulled wine and admire the wonderful Christmas tree at the Town Hall Square :)
Meanwhile, I'll carry on with my everyday life and perhaps allow myself a couple of days off aswell, haha, disobedient as I am :D
Monday morning, subway ridin'
First day at work, boss gives me this book... Do I really look so lost?
On the other hand, a really good read!
Candles, mulled wine and SATC marathon after a stressful exam day
Friday evening traffic
Hello, kitties
I honestly don't get it, obviously it's more convenient to take the stairs, especially if one is young and in a hurry.... but nooooo.
Logic here - none.
Vogue China Mario Testino special - magazines are so cheap here, got a huge Vogue, a special Christmas edition Vogue and a little book about the history of Dior J'adore for ridiculous 2 euros. Now I just need to get fluent in reading.
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