Monday, February 24, 2014

Out & About

Pühapäevane päike Nanjing Road'il ja selle ümbruses, pisut kevadist meeleolu ja päikest piilumas puulehtede vahelt... ning juba sombune esmaspäev kohvikus kössitades ja americano't trimbates. Ühtlasi kiruks Starbucksi wifi't, mis iga katse peal VPN käivitada (see asi, mis lubab Hiinas Facebookis ja mujalgi surfata) katkestas netiühenduse sootuks ja kõik mu suurejoonelised plaanid asjalik olla ning oma resümeed täiendada luhtusid.
Sunny Sunday on Nanjing road and the surrounding streets. Getting into the spring mood and seeing some sun shine through the treeleaves... and now we have this gloomy Monday spent in a coffee shop and drinking americanos. Hereby I'd also like to mention how unstable the wifi in Starbucks is and how it just kept disconnecting me whenever I tried to turn on my VPN (the thingy that gives you access to Facebook etc when in China) and basically how this ruined my plans of being productive and enhancing my resume online.
out & about
out & about
out & about
out & about
out & about
out & about

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