Thursday, March 6, 2014


Chela - Romanticise

Uus semester algas ja sel puhul niitis mind viirus jalust maha, seega juba neljandal päeval olin kodune, aga enne seda jõudsin seda ja teist ette võtta ning otseloomulikult koolis käia. Seekord läks kursustele registreerumine ladusamalt (praegused 15 min versus suvel esmakordselt registreerudes 2.5 tundi). Ja mind paigutati uude keelegruppi, kus on taaskord uued inimesed, seega jälle peab läbi elama seda awkward faasi, kus keegi kedagi ei tunne ja kõik need võõramaised nimed ei taha kuidagi meelde jääda. Vaieldamatult kõige põnevamad klassikaaslased sel semestril on pärit Põhja-Koreast. Enam eksootilisemaks minna ei saa.
Uuteks aineteks on sel korral Business Chinese ja Human Geography of China (mis oli õigupoolest paar korda ka eelmisel semestril, aga meie keeleoskus oli toona veel liiga madalal tasemel ja me ei saanud millestki veel aru). Nagu aimata võib, siis mõlemad ained on hiina keeles ja nende vahele mahuvad veel hiina keele kuulamise (ja arusaamise) ning ka intensiivse lugemise tunnid. Peaks veel olema kõnekeele tunnid, aga kuna meil on piisavalt ainepunkte, siis me ei pea seal käima ja see tähendab mahedaid neljapäevi ja reedeid, kus kummalgi päeval ainult kaks tundi. Nädalavahetus algab nüüd varakult, hehe. Muidugi ei tähenda see, et saab jalad lebolt seinale visata ja pikutada, oh no, proovin siiski vaba aega mõistlikult kasutada (nagu ma ütlen endale peale igat vaheaega nii umbes tollest ajast, kui olin 12 aastane).
Nädala jooksul olen veel põnevaid asju korda saatnud, seega kunagi võib nende kohta ka lisa tulla :)
The new semester just began and I'm already down with a virus after four days, but before that I managed to do a few things from here and there and of course, I've been to school. This time the registration for courses went much faster (15 minutes instead of 2.5 hours that we had to sit through in the summer registration). And I'm in a new language group, which means we're back to this awkward stage with new people and no one can really remember these funny foreign names of each other... so yes, awkward. And I have classmates from North-Korea - can't get any more exotic than that.
We have a couple of new courses - one of them Business Chinese and then there's the Human Geography of China. As you might've guessed, both of these subjects are in Chinese and besides these, we also have our intensive reading classes and listening classes. We should also have spoken Chinese classes, but we're already overloaded with subjects and have too many credits, so we don't have to take that. This means we have really chill Thursdays and Fridays with only two classes on both days, which also means the weekend will start really early now. Though this certainly will not mean I'll just lounge around all day long, oh no, I'll try to make use of this time as much as possible (as I always tell myself after any sort of vacation from school since I was about 12).
Been doing some more extraodrinary things during this week and will do some more, so bare with me for more details :)

 1. Stretching in my favourite corner after a good Sunday workout 2. Independence day composition
3. Inside the Shanghai Museum 4. New schoolbooks, notepads and a student card - I'm ready!
 1. Palm trees, yay! 2. Colors and vitamins - my tropical fruitplate
3. I'm a farmer, what can I say :D 4. Sick day at home with coffee and some books
 Missing the Croatian sun and the SEA
Can't wait for this time of the year


Kerti said...

Vahel läheb meelest ikka kommenteerida, et oioi kui põnev blogi! Tahaks niiii väga kuulda kuidas sa hiina keelt räägid. Ooohh drooliks omal kõrvad otsast vist :)

Kerti :)

Kriss said...

Kniks ja aitähh! Peagi lähen koju ja siis ilmselt pinnivad sõbrad-sugulased-tuttavad, et mismoodi ma hiina keeles kõlan, haha, fun times on ees :D
Ja sa tead juba isegi, et ma kohutavalt fännan su blogi, Kerti!!

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