Monday, April 28, 2014

Let's catch up

AlunaGeorge - You Know You Like It (Wilfred Giroux Remix)
Gah, miljon reedet tagasi Yongkang'il
About a million Fridays ago at Yongkang Road

 Kvaliteetaeg kvaliteet-fotodega
Quality time only produces photos with crappy quality
 Lõuna ja lae asemel on õied - pole paha
Having lunch in a place where the ceiling is made of aromatic wisterias - not bad
 Shanghai öised kõrgteed
The elevated roads of Shanghai at night
Läksime Agnesega armsa Francesca korteris toimunud terrassipeole. Terrassilt avanes superb vaade Nanjingi tänavale jaaaa üleüldse oli seal mass-rahvast ja fun!
 Me and Agnes went to a terrace party organized by my dear Francesca and well, her terrace has the most amazing view over Nanjing Road. Her place was packed and it was loads fun!

 Järgmisel päeval pidin minema Tianmu tripile, seega lahkusime umbes kell 00:30, et ma saaks värskena reisule minna. Enne seda muidugi haarasime oma lemmikutelt Xinjiang'i grillikuttidelt seda legendaarset naan leiba ja lihtsalt istusime ühikakoridoris ja närisime leiba. Öised süsivesikud on teadagi väga kasulikud.
We left a bit after midnight as I was supposed to go to Tianmu lake the next day. But before finishing the night, we did grab our fav naan bread from the xinjiang bbq guys at the gates of Donghua and then we just sat in the hallway of the dorm, munching on it. We all know late night carbs are the best.
 Vihmane laupäev Tianmu järve ääres
Rainy Saturday at lake Tianmu

 Õhtul läksime *trummipõrin* Xinjiangi restosse ja avastasime, mida muud nad peale naani pakuvad.
For dinner we went to *drummroll please* a Xinjiang place! And discovered some other food besides the legendary naan bread.
Michelle ja Hardy testisid kalmaare/kaheksajalgu/maeiteamisneedon
Michelle and Hardy tried out some grilled squid/octopus/ihavenoideawhatthatis
 Nanshan Bamboo Forest
 Mäkke ronimas, wehaa
Climbing a mountain, yehaaw
Started from the bottom now we here
 Käisime Shanghai Brewery's ja tuli üks mango margarita 
Been abusing the happy hour at Shanghai Brewery and heyyy, it's a mango margarita
 Margaritale järgnes hiigelports hilisõhtuseid nuudleid Donghua kõrvalasuvas noodleshopis
A huge bowl of noodles after that margarita
Reedel rõõmsalt toidupoest naasmas (ja õietolmu kirumas)
Happily getting my groceries on Friday (and cursing for all the pollen flying around)
 Reede pärastlõunatel käin Jiaotongi ülikoolis inglise keelega abistamas neid õpilasi, kes järgmisel aastal USA'sse või Kanadasse ülikooli plaanivad õppima minna - siin siis uus grupp õpilasi.
On Friday afternoons I help out some students with English - this is the new group of students and they all plan to go study in the US or Canada.
 Ja reedele pani suure punkti tripp Arkhamisse, kus toimus Adidas Superstars pidu ja selle raames ilmus kohale Prantsuse Kitsune label'i Le Crayon plaate keerutama. Esimene ja mitte viimane kord Arkhamis fo' sho'.
Aaaand to finish off the Friday - went to Arkham for the Adidas Superstar party with the amazing Le Crayon of the French label Kitsune taking care of the music. My first and definitely not the last time in Arkham.
Laupäeva hommikul lippasin juba Lululemon'i korraldatud ashtanga joogasse, tankisin endale kohvi sisse Starbucks'is ja seadsin sammud Xintiand'i poole, kus sain Agnesega kokku. Möödunudnädalase Earth Day raames toimus seal zumba, jagati tervisesmuutisid ja võtsime osa loengutest, mille teemadeks tervislik toitumine ja orgaaniline kosmeetika. Üldiselt midagi uut ei kuulnud seal, aga hea oli kuulda sellisest kohvikust/poest nagu Sproutworks, mis varustab Shanghaid just sedasorti tervisetoiduga. Must go.
Managed to get up early enough on Saturday to attend an ashtanga yoga class by Lululemon. Refuelled with a huge americano and off I went to Xintiandi to meet up with Agnes. Since it was Earth Day last week, there was some zumba, green smoothies and lectures on holistic nutrition and organic cosmetics. Nothing new or surprising for us, but it was nice to hear about this cafe/shop called Sproutworks, which supplies Shanghai with that sort of food. Gotta go check it out.
 Neljapäevaks lubatakse mõnusat soojakraadi ja ma juba otsin nabakaid
It's (supposedly) gonna be warm on Thursday, so I'm looking for crop tops now
Ilus punane draakonivili, ananass ja pisikesed mahlased mangod
The lovely red pitaya, pineapple slices and juicy tiny mangoes

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