Jälle juhtus nii, et tegime kiire päevatripi Helsingisse. Seekord ei šopanud kohe üldse - ja ma olen sellega rahul. Kunagi tähendas Soome tripp alati seda, et pidi kotitäite uute hilpudega laevalt maha veerema päeva lõpus, aga ma jõudsin juba tükk aega järeldusele, et tegelikult pole seal midagi nii väga enam kokku osta. Hinnad on kõikjal enam-vähem samad (isegi kui Soomes on paar asja ehk odavamad, siis laevapilet on ikkagi lisakulu, ärme transpordist ja toidust jne räägi, eks) ja poed on ka kõik siin ja sealpool lahte olemas, netikaubandus lubab üldse mugavalt kodudiivanil kõike šopata... Ühesõnaga, veetsime aega rohkem linna peal jalutades, Esplanaadi pargis piknikku pidades, trammiga linnas ekskursiooni tehes, lahedatel kaljudel turnides... ja eks ikka süües!
Laeva peal ei viitsinud ka suurt poodides trügides, mõtlesime, et peaks pisut põnevamalt aega veetma. Karaokeee!! Hahaha, täiesti tõsiselt! Laulsime Smells Like Teen Spirit'it ja meil tekkis lausa oma mosh pit lava ette. See koosnes küll purjus soome bachelor party tähistajatest, aga... siiski. Oleme liigutatud, et meil needki kuus tulihingelist fänni tekkis.
So once again we had a day trip to Helsinki. Didn't buy anything this time - and I'm really glad about that. I remember when going to Helsinki meant returning with loads of new clothes, but some time ago I came to a conclusion that there's really no point of hoarding all these things together from there. The prices are pretty much the same everywhere (even if the sales are better in Finland, the transportation to Finland and food etc will zero it out anyway), we basically have the same shops in both countries and internet shopping has given us the luxury of shopping while not even lifting my butt from my comfy couch. So basically the day was all about walking around the city, having a picnic at the Esplanadin puisto, riding the tram, climbing rocks... and eating!
Oh, and we wanted to spice up our ride back home, so we actually sung Smells Like Teen Spirit at the karaoke and an actual mosh pit was made in front of the stage during the song. I mean, it consisted of six drunk finns having a bachelor party, but it was a touching thing to see nevertheless.
So once again we had a day trip to Helsinki. Didn't buy anything this time - and I'm really glad about that. I remember when going to Helsinki meant returning with loads of new clothes, but some time ago I came to a conclusion that there's really no point of hoarding all these things together from there. The prices are pretty much the same everywhere (even if the sales are better in Finland, the transportation to Finland and food etc will zero it out anyway), we basically have the same shops in both countries and internet shopping has given us the luxury of shopping while not even lifting my butt from my comfy couch. So basically the day was all about walking around the city, having a picnic at the Esplanadin puisto, riding the tram, climbing rocks... and eating!
Oh, and we wanted to spice up our ride back home, so we actually sung Smells Like Teen Spirit at the karaoke and an actual mosh pit was made in front of the stage during the song. I mean, it consisted of six drunk finns having a bachelor party, but it was a touching thing to see nevertheless.
Mornin', Tallinn!
Juhhuu, Ben&Jerry's! Proovisin kreeka jogurti baasil tehtud sordid ka nüüd ära, vaarika-šokolaadi kreeka jogurti jäts trumpab minu meelest Cookie Dough igatahes üle!
Nagu korralikele turistidele kombekohane, käisime Suomenlinna kindluses ka ära. Nautisime sõitu pisikesel praamil, päikest, merd ja tuult!
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