Thursday, March 17, 2016

Back at it again

Well, wasn't that ironic? I mentioned in my last post, that my VPN connection might experience some troubles throughout the Two Talks. Well, in reality, the problems went on long after the talks were over and I got connected to the world again only yesterday. I really missed blogging!

Perhaps it was good that I didn't have access to my regular social media outlets though - we have an important essay to hand in on Friday. I finished writing yesterday (3 days early) and I'm not sure, whether it was me being highly motivated while writing it or because I didn't have so any distractions now? 
I did venture into my beloved Cafe Zarah for a writing session and a delicious grilled veggie salad this Monday and let me tell you - it really feels like spring here! I
Noh, see oli küll irooniline, et oma viimases postituses jõudsin mainida, et mu VPN'i ühendusega võib Two Talks'i ajal probleeme tekkida. Tegelikkuses kestsid probleemid ka peale poliitiliste kohtingute lõppu ja VPN'i sain taas tööle alles eile. Igatsesin blogimist meeletult!
Mõneti on mul muidugi hea meel, et sotsiaalmeedia ligipääs oli piiratud - peame reedeks esitama üsna olulise essee. Lõpetasin eile kirjutamise (ehk siis 3 päeva varem!) ning ma pole päris kindel, kas põhjus peitub mu meeletus kirjutustuhinas või kuna mul polnud nii palju segavaid faktoreid juures?
Nädala alguses aga jõudsin oma lemmikusse Cafe Zarah'sse sisse põigata, et sedasama esseed kirjutada ja grillitud köögiviljadega salatit süüa - täiega kevadine tunne tekkis sealkandis trippides!

Locals picking out flowers - I've also bought a peppermint plant and an aloe vera this week!
Kohalikud toataimi uudistamas - ma ostsin ka selle nädala sees piparmündi taime ja väikse aloe vera!

This photo was the reason I went to the hairdresser soon after - like what is going on with my bangs?
See pilt aitas mul mõista, et on aeg juuksurisse minna - nagu mis mu tukaga toimub?

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