Friday, March 18, 2016

Under the Dome

We've been having this terrible pollution once again - as soon as it got warmer, the air began to stand still and here we are. 

Not only is it suuuuuper unhealthy (once the levels get high enough, one starts to feel the effects instantly - experiencing dizziness, being short of breath, kind of gasping for air while speaking and the feeling of not being completely present are the things which happen to me, for example), but walking outside turns into a depressing task, as everything looks grey and is instantly covered with a thick layer of dust. And pardon me, if I'm mistaking, but I don't think I've seen it rain in Beijing as of... December?! And that was more like snow! (DUSTY INDEED)
Func fact: if one should doubt the pollution, it just takes one to blow their nose in the evening and you can see all that dust you caught in one day on the white tissue.
Õhusaaste on jälle platsis - kohe, kui keeras soojemaks, jäi õhk paigale seisma ja tekkis see õhusupp.
Vähe sellest, et see on kooooohutavalt tervist kahjustav (nii et mõju on lausa instantly on tunda - mul hakkab näiteks pea ringi käima ning ma ei tunne end täitsa "kohalolevana", lisaks hapnikupuudus ajab mind rääkides hingeldama), lisaks on väljas kõndimine on samuti masendav, sest kõik paistab nii hall ja oleks justkui paksu tolmukihiga kaetud. Ja ma pole kindel, kas see saab kuidagi tõsi olla, aga minu meelest pole Pekingis alates detsembrist vihma sadanud?! Ja seegi oli rohkem lumi, mis ei uha tolmu minema... võeh.
Fun fact - kes kahtleb õhusaaste mõjudes, siis õhtul nina nuusates võib valge salvräti peal ilusti kogu päevast tolmukogu näha.

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