Monday, October 19, 2015

Beijing Design Week & Sanlitun

Me & Anna-Lisa went to the closing party of an art installation made for the Beijing Design Week. It was a little traditional courtyard situated in the Baitasi hutongs, and the whole thing was called "The Secret Garden of Give and Take". 

The curator of the installation, Liz, and her husband were so kind and showed us around and then we has some Estonian bread (woopwoop, Anete is providing Beijing with Estonian bread, how cool is that?). 
Then we went to Sanlitun for late-night book shopping and had a drink at the Jing A brewery. I think we somehow made it to Modernista and had random walks in the hutongs at 3 a.m. where we met some Polish guys taking their dogs out for a walk. One of them was called Шавка and the other was Бродяга and don't even ask me why I remember this. I love how random the night turned out tho.
Käisin millalgi Anna-Lisaga Pekingi Disaininädala ühe installatsiooni lõpupeol. See asus Baitasi hutongides, ning tegemist oli väikse traditsioonilise courtyard'iga, kus oli siis pisike salaaed. Installatsiooni kuraator, Liz, ja ta abikaasa olid ääretult armsad inimesed ning näitasid ringi ja lõpuks saime proovida Anete ehtsat eesti leiba kah, millega ta siin äritseb.
Seejärel liikusime Sanlituni raamatupoodi öisele raamatupoešopingule ja käisime Jing A's õlle proovimas. Kuidagi jõudsime omadega Modernistasse ja sealkandi hutongidesse jalutama, kus kell 3 öösel sattusime poola kuttide peale, kes oma koertega jalutasid. Koerte nimed olid Шавка ja Бродяга ja ausalt öeldes pole ma väga kindel, miks ma selliseid detaile mäletan. Aga mulle meeldib see, kui suvaline terve õhtu oli.

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