Monday, November 16, 2015

Coffee Date at Soloist Coffee


I was looking for neat coffee places around Beijing and got some hints that Soloist Coffee might be exactly what I'm looking for. So on Sunday, I met up with Betti and we headed to the hutongs around Qianmen in order to find the place!

Soloist Coffee is serious about their coffee, offering specialty beans of highest quality and real professional baristas. The prices are a bit higher than at your local Starbucks, but it's really worth it. The Americano was smoooooth and I've had plenty of Americanos in my life. Hah, I sound like a coffee-snob. It took a bit long to make that cup of coffee, but it was a busy Sunday, so I didn't mind - looking back at my own experience as a waitress back in my high school days, it's a tough job.
I also loved the interior design, which is a cozy mix of rustic industrialism with vintage furniture from the U.S., U.K. and China. Adding to the history, the house used to be a public bathhouse in the past.
I do need to mention, that WIFI was awesome and this is a rare thing in Beijing. 
Here's the address, in case you have a chance to visit Beijing:

39 Yangmeizhu Xiejie, Xicheng District
Otsisin tükk aega korralikku kohvi pakkuvaid kohvikuid ning leidsin üsna palju viiteid Soloist Coffee'le. Niisiis suundusime Bettiga pühapäeval Qianmeni hutongidesse, et see kohvik üles leida.
Soloist Coffee suhtub kohvivalmistamisesse harukordse tõsidusega - vähemalt Hiina kohta, kus kohv alles kogub populaarsust. Kohvioad on parima kavliteediga ning tööl on korralikku väljaõppe saanud baristad. Hinnad ehk veidi krõbedamad, kui kohalikus Starbucks'is, aga samas ei serveeritda mingit suhkrust frappucinomoccachinot, vaid tõsiselt head kanget kohvi. Mu americano oli mõnusalt sametine, ilma igasuguse kõrbenud kõrvalmaitseta (tüüpiline keiss, paraku) ja ma olen elus parajalt americano'sid joonud. Hah, ma kõlan nagu kohvisnoob. Kulus küll tükk aega, et oma jook kätte saada, aga tegemist oli kiire pühapäevaga ja barista oli üsna stressis olekuga, kui joogid lauda tõi, seega, omades ise selles vallas kogemusi, ei virise absoluutselt. See on kurnav töö.
Interjöör oli megalahe, selline industriaalne teema vana mööbliga USA'st, UK'st ja Hiinast. Hoone ise oli vanast üldse saunamaja.
Kuna head WIFI't tuleb siin linnas tikutulega otsida, siis mainin ära, et see oli top notch.
Juhul, kui on asja Pekingisse, soovitan läbi astuda:

39 Yangmeizhu Xiejie, Xicheng'i piirkond

600m Qianmen'i peatusest (metrooliin nr 2)




Various Beijing snacks - 糖耳朵 (meaning 'sweet ears'), 瓜子饼 (pumpkin seed cake) and 酥麻花 (mahua, which is a rolled puff pastry)
Chanel scarves for €1.25, because that's how we roll here





Betti trying to get work done and I'm just in her face with my camera hah

I loved the details of the interior!

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