A few weeks ago, I'd heard stories about Vice China holding a series of parties in some of the biggest cities in China. I was pretty pumped for that, since Vice China is pretty rad and I'm trying to maintain a certain level of Chinese by reading articles published on their site + Howie Lee and Jason Hou had sets scheduled on the Beijing party.
So then I was about to RSVP to the party and I saw the names for headlining act - that's when I started hyperventilating, because some of the dudes from Soulection were about to play! Pyrmdplaza, Andre Power and The Whooligan!
Pyrmdplaza was one of the first producers under the Soulection label that I'd heard of, so I was absolutely thrilled to see him play. IDK, that was nuts. It was super crowded, since there was no cover (amazing, right?!), but by the end of the night, all the Soulection dudes were dancing among the crowd and I had a chat with Pyrmdplaza, so yeah - I can't complain.
Being here in Beijing is like riding some crazy rollercoaster. I'm so humbled and speechless for all of the things happening here.
Paar nädalat tagasi kuulsin jutte, et Vice China'l on tulekul pidude sari detsembris, mis leiab aset Hiina suurimates linnades. Otseloomulikult olin huvitatud, kuna Vice China vastuolulisi ja skandaalimaigulisi artikleid lugedes üritan oma hiina keelt teatud tasemel hoida + Howie Lee ja Jason Hou pidid Pekingi peol mängima.
Kuniks ma lõpuks kavatsesin peole RSVP ära teha ning vaatasin plakatilt, et kes headliner'id on - oh oh oh, mul jäi korraks hing kinni, kui nägin Soulection'i label'i nime! Pyrmdplaza, Andre Power ja The Whooligan!
Mu vaimustuse põhjuseks on pisifakt, et just Pyrmdplaza oli üks esimesi produtsente selle label'i alt, kelle kraami ma kuulsin. Ühesõnaga, täiesti uskumatu. Kuna pidu oli tasuta (samuti ennekuulmatu!), oli koht rahvast pungil, aga õhtu edenedes olid Soulectioni kutid rahva hulgas möllamas ja ma jõudsin veits Pyrmdplazaga chat'ida - okei, veits hea õhtu oli, ausalt, ei kurda.
Peking on seni täiesti uskumatuid kogemusi pakkunud, ma olen täiesti sõnatu kõige üle, mis on toimund.
Anna-Lisa & Cecilie, my babes
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