Noniii, olge valmis - hunnik pilte on tulekul!
Brace yourselves, a photobomb is coming!
Kerti käis mingi aeg fotosid ilmutamas, see peegli kohal olev on veel Adriani sünnipäevast & see on nii armas :)
Kerti had some photos printed out, this one above the mirror was taken on Adrian's birthday & it's so cute!
Üritasin eile vahukomme teha, aga...
Tried to make marshmallows by myself yesterday, but...
... but I messed up with the gelatine amounts and this is deffinetly not candy material. But the good news is, I can use it as marshmallow fluff!
Patsitegu pole enamikule vist suuremat sorti sündmuseks (meenutan kadedusega vanu klassiõdesid, kel olid alati ulmeilusad patsidpalmikud), aga ma olen patse tehes alati üsna koba olnud, nii et enamasti käisin lahtiste juuste, tavalise hobusesaba või krunniga. Ei seadnud endale erilisi lootusi seda patsi tehes, aga lõpuks jäin rahule. Skillzid arenevad, mis muud :D
Making a braid is probably nothing exciting for most of you (thinking about my classmates who always used to have the prettiest braids), but I've always been a klutz at making these, so I usually walked around with pulled down hair, a simple ponytail or a bun. Didn't expect much when making this one, but it turned out quite well. Skillllz in development, I say :D
Ärkasin eile plaaniga midagi huvitavat ette võtta... ning õhtul avastasin suure pettumusega, et olin vaid korra jõuksis ja poes käinud, ülejäänud ajast passisin arvutis. Nii et täna väljusin majast suurima heameelega ning olin valmis jalutama kasvõi Saksamaale välja, aga paraku... oh irooniat. Jäin kohe vihma kätte. Ja nii kolm korda mu jalutuskäigu jooksul.
Woke up yesterday with the thought of doing something interesting... and later in the evening I was so disappointed, because I only managed to leave the house for gym and the grocery store, rest of the time was spent behind the laptop. So today I left the house with pleasure and I was soooo ready to walk atleast until Germany, but... oh the irony. It started raining. And during my whole walk, a total of three times.
Makes me think of American sububs.
Jaa lõpuks jõudsin mere äärde ka!
Managed to get to the sea!
Pole ammu sinna jalutanud, tavaliselt lähen ikka rattaga. Üldse olen nii laisaks muutunud ses mõttes, ma ei viitsi enam kuskile ilma jalgrattata minna. Väike linn, aga vahemaad tunduvad ikka mõttetult pikkadena.
I always go there by bike, so walking to the sea was a rare occasion. I'm so lazy now, I'm not willing to go anywhere without my bike. It's a small town for sure, but the distances seem so darn long here.
Ja ma olen endiselt võlutud taanlaste majakestest!
And I just love these danish houses!
Tsirkus on ka linnas, homme annavad etenduse!
The cirkus is in town, they're gonna give a show tomorrow!
Kaks tundi hiljem jõudsin läbivettinud ja külmununa koju, aga tuju oli kohe kordades parem, kui kodus passides. Hea soe tee ja mõni sari teeb olemise kindlasti veel paremaks :)
Two hours later, got home freezing and soaking wet, but I still felt better than I would have if I'd stayed home. Warm tea and some tv-show will make me feel even better now :)
Wow, love those pics, they're beautiful! :)
Take care xoxo
Glad you like them, means a lot to me :)
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