Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Her morning elegance she wears

Her Morning Elegance - Oren Lavie


Nädalake vaba aega, mida tuleb mõistlikult kasutada.
Pühapäeva hilisõhtul võtsin ulmeohtliku rattaretke ühikatesse ette ning vaatasin, kuidas Tomas üritas Tautvilele oma aja ära elanud juukselõikuriga side-cuti teha. Poole tunni jooksul nägi kogu ettevõtmine välja justkui Tomas sügaks niisama pardliga Tautvilet, nii et hairmasterpiece jäi pooleli. (tänase seisuga on mõlemil sidecut'id tehtud ning mõlemad näevad awesome'id välja).
Nägin lõpuks Hello Kitty multika ära ja jätsin seetõttu paari ajurakuga hüvasti - liiga roosamanna. Kell pool neli hommikul hakkasin koju väntama ning sain mini-südameataki mingi mehe tõttu, kes sellisel normaalsel kellaajal kuskilt põõsa tagant teele astus.
Asusin ka megagiga-ultimate-must-see filmilisti koostama. Kõigi treilerite läbivaatamine võttis kohutavalt aega, nii et hetkel on nimekirjas kõigest 39 filmi. Kohati tundub liiga vähe olevat, kuid kui ma mõtlen sellele, et tahaks kunagi neid reaalselt vaadata ka, siis võtab ikka muretsema küll, et kust ma selle kõige jaoks küll aega leidma peaks. Võtsin end niipalju siiski kokku, et eile listiga algust teha ning vaatasin enne magamaminekut "Chocolat" ära. Can't go wrong with Johnny Depp.
Kooliasjadega pole ikka algust teinud. Olen seda üht peatükki mikros juba 4 nädalat lugenud.
Ja raamat esimesel fotol on "Generation X" by Douglas Coupland. My seal of approval. Soovitan.
A whole week of free time, gotta use it wisely.
On Sunday, late in the evening, I made this really dangerous bike-trip to the dorms and watched as Tomas tried to make a side-cut for Tautvile with a crappy looking haircutting machine. After half an hour of what seemed to look like Tomas just scratching Tautvile with that machine, they gave up and left it for some other time (but now, both of them have their haircuts & look supergood!). 
Also saw the Hello Kitty cartoon for the first time and I felt like a piece of me died after watching this - it was so dreadfully pink&fluffy.
Half four in the morning and I decided to bike home and had a mini-heartattack since some guy showed up from the bushes and on the road during this totally normal time of the day.
I also started compiling this megagiga-ultimate-must-see movielist. Since it took a lot of time to get through all the trailers, I only have 39 movies on the list. Seems kinda little, but when I think about the time I need to watch them... since I really do want to see them all... oh god. Though I did have a good start yesterday by watching "Chocolat" before bedtime. Just can't go wrong with Johnny Depp.
Still haven't started with any of my uni-work. Been reading this one chapter in microeconomics for 4 weeks now.
And the book on the first photo is "Generation X" by Douglas Coupland. I grant it with my seal of approval, so not afraid to recommend it to you.

1 comment

SABINNA and DAVID said...

these are great! looks like u had a great sunday!

xx, Sabinna and David
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