The Paper Kites - Bloom
Khm, kurb, aga mul polnud mune millegagi värvida, nii et pidin leppima paari šokolaadimuna ja -jänesega. Käib kah.
Well, this is sad, I had nothing to paint the eggs with, so I just had to settle with these chocolate eggs & bunnies. Close enough.
Well, this is sad, I had nothing to paint the eggs with, so I just had to settle with these chocolate eggs & bunnies. Close enough.
Hommikused keeksiküpsetamised. Ilm oli nii ilus, et pidin enne seda kiirele sörgile ka minema... oh, halb mõte, sest dušš, enese sättimine, keeksi küpsetamine, küpsiste tegemine... natuke kiireks läks. Aga - palju teed, palju jõuad.
Maja lõhnas nagu pagarikoda, mmmm.
Morning baking. The weather was too good in the morning also, so I just had to go out for a jog... oo, bad idea, since showering, dressing & make up, baking this pound cake, making cookies... takes too much time.
But - you plan alot, you manage to do alot.
The house smelled like a bakery, mmm.
Maja lõhnas nagu pagarikoda, mmmm.
Morning baking. The weather was too good in the morning also, so I just had to go out for a jog... oo, bad idea, since showering, dressing & make up, baking this pound cake, making cookies... takes too much time.
But - you plan alot, you manage to do alot.
The house smelled like a bakery, mmm.
Chocolate chip cookies. Yep, sometimes I do eat chocolate.
Ja. Ma käisin täna isegi kirikus. Katoliiklikus. Taani ja poola keeles peeti jutlust. Ma olin liiga segaduses kõigest, sest niigi ei tunne kombeid ja seega sain veel vähem aru, mis toimus.
Kogemus missugune.
Seejärel läksime tagasihoidlikule söömapeole, mille tagajärjel sain vist leedu keele selgeks.
Yes. I even went to church today. Catholic. And the mass was held in danish and polish. I was so confused with everything, since I'm not familiar with the customs anyway, so danish&polish did not help at all here.
An experience of it's own.
After that we had a food-fest and I think I'm fluent in lithuanian now.
Kogemus missugune.
Seejärel läksime tagasihoidlikule söömapeole, mille tagajärjel sain vist leedu keele selgeks.
Yes. I even went to church today. Catholic. And the mass was held in danish and polish. I was so confused with everything, since I'm not familiar with the customs anyway, so danish&polish did not help at all here.
An experience of it's own.
After that we had a food-fest and I think I'm fluent in lithuanian now.
Idee järgmiseks postituseks: jaga küpsiste retsepti :)
ja selle kohupiimakoogi retsepti ka paluks!
Küpsistega on lihtne, aga kook... dno, kas Vestina on nõus oma saladust avaldama... Taanis pole niikuinii kohupiima, talle oli seda pakiga saadetud.
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