Monday, September 16, 2013

The Bund II

Mul on hetkel pisike paus hiina keele tundide ja Chinese Business Culture'i vahel. Jõudsin juba süüa, kodused tööd peaaegu ära teha, nüüd teen siis pisikese blogipausi ka ja jätkan sealt, kus eile pooleli jäi.
I'm having a tiny break between my Chinese classes and Chinese Business Culture. So far I've managed to eat, do half of the homework and hey, there's enough time left for a short blogging break, so let me finish off the post from yesterday.
The Bund
The Bund
The Bund
Väljas oli meeeeletult palav, +30 varjus! Õnneks oli läheduses pisike park, kus saime puude vilus hinge tõmmata ja puhata.
 Oh man, it was so hot outside, +30 in the shade! Good thing there was a park nearby, so we could cool down and rest in the shade.
The Bund
The Bund
Enne kojupöördumist põikasime ka korraks Fairmont Peace Hotel'ist läbi, mis on Bundi üks kuulsamaid hooneid. See ehitati kuldsetel kahekümnendatel ning selle külalisteks on olnud nt Charlie Chaplin ja George Bernard Shaw. Kuna tegemist oli ühe omaaegse kuulsaima ja luksuslikuma hotelliga Kaug-Idas (Itaalia marmorist põrandad 'n stuff, you know) ning mulle kohutavalt meeldivad art-deco stiilis interjöörid, tahtsin seda toredust oma silmaga näha.
Ma ei pidanud pettuma - juba ainuüksi hotelli fuajee oli imeline, ma ei oska isegi ette kujutada, kui kenad sviidid seal olla võivad...
Before going home we popped by at the Fairmont Peace Hotel, which is one of the most famous buildings on The Bund. It was built in the Golden Twenties and its guest list features names like Charlie Chaplin and George Bernard Shaw. Since it was one of the most famous and luxorious hotels in the Far-East of its times (floors from Italian marble and such), also I really like interiors in art deco style, I just had to see it with my own eye.
I wasn't disappointed - already the lobby was marvellous, I can't even imagine how nice the suites might be...
The Bund

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