Oh, internet Hiinas... Sellega on mul siin vihkan-armastan suhe. Vahel töötab see imelise kiirusega ning saan kõik oma seriaalid stream'ides ära vaadata ja ma ei pea sarja isegi kümneks minutiks laadima jätma, et see peatumata täies mahus ära mängiks. Aga that's the thing - selleks kasutan ma Hiina enda filmilehti. Kohe, kui tekib soov blogida, on vaja sisse lülitada vpn ning sellega ühes pannakse mu närvid proovile, eriti viimastel päevadel. Ükski leht ei taha avaneda või avaneb see ainult poolikult ja kuna ma olen nõmedalt kangekaelne, siis üritan ma vähemalt 10 korda lehte uuesti avada (sest ma ei suuda ju ometi leppida esimese paari korraga, et sellele lehele ma täna ei pääse).
Muidugi paistab see tsipa kiirem olevat esmaspäeva hommikul vahetult enne kooli, niisiis proovin postituse ära teha ja samal ajal tundi mitte hilineda :D
Oh internet in China... I have this love-hate relationship with it here. Sometimes it's working like a dream and I can stream any tv series without any problems and sudden interruptions in the middle of watching them, but that's only when I use China's own movie sites. Then as soon as I switch on the VPN to gain access to Blogger or Facebook, all the fun begins and especially these last few days have been straight out of hell. Pages either don't load at all or only half of it loads and I'm idiotically stubborn enough to try reload the pages atleast 10 times again (because I just don't get it after it not loading the first couple of times).
But it does seem to work better on a Monday morning right before class, so I'll try to make a post and not be late :D
Love magnolias and love the majestic sunsets
Antiigiturg, kus kõiki "haruldasi uunikume" võis täpselt samal kujul kõikidelt lettidelt leida... Jah, hiinlased oskavad massides toota ka identset antiikkaupa!
Antiques market, where all the unique old things could be found on every stand on the market. Yup, the chinese can even mass-produce antique items!
Pet market and some more vintage posters
Kilgid ja ritsikad on Hiinas õnneloomakesed (kes on Mulan'i multikat näinud, ehk mäletab? Sest sealt mu teadmine pärineb, võibolla on see ekslik haha), nii et neid võis ka turult osta. Osad olid lehetäi suurused ja neid oli karbikeses mitu, teised olid GIGANTSED ja tegid sellist häält, et anna olla... Kuidas saab magada, kui selline "nunnu" koduloomaks on ja su toas musitseerib, no ei tea. Oh, ja kilpkonnakesed olid ka!
Crickets are considered lucky animals in China (or well, that's what I learned from the Mulan film from Disney back in the days, correct me if I'm wrong haha), so of course one could buy those from the market. Some were teeny-tiny and there was quite a few of them in a box and then there were these GIGANTIC ones, who would also be super noisy. I don't know how it would be possible to have a pet like that in your room and be able to sleep over that "music". Ohhh, and they had little turtles!
Saturday morning view from the dorm "kitchen" and 9 a.m. walk to yoga class on Nanjing road. No crowds or traffic and sunny - it was perfect!
Lululemon on Kanada spordiriiete bränd, mis korraldab eri riikides tasuta community yoga tunde. Laupäeval proovisin siis nende pakutavat flow joogat - see oli superhea! Ja tegi head meelt, et umbes aasta joogata pole mu paindlikust või poosides stabiilselt püsimist eriti mõjutanud. Peale seda proovisin kookosevett ning jalutasin mööda päikeselist Nanjingi tänavat metroo peatuse poole ja üleüldiselt, elu oli lill! Aga siis saabus pühapäev, joogajärgne lihasvalu (mida jagub ka esmaspäeva) ja MASS koduseid töid.
(Ja seda postitust lõpetades pean tõdema, et jään ikka esimesse tundi hiljaks, aga thank god, et kooli jõudmiseks kulub vaid 2 minutit :D)
Lululemon, a canadian sports clothes brand, is hosting community yoga classes every Saturday. I tired out their flow yoga and it was wonderful! After yoga, I got some coconut water and took a sunny walk back to the metro station along the sunny Nanjing road, what a wonderful morning it was! But then on Sunday, I discovered how much homework weh ad for Monday AND the muscle soreness from the yoga class kicked in (which I can still feel on Monday).
(And while finishing this post I just realized I will be late for the first class anyway... thank god it only takes 2 minutes to get to school :D)
Lululemon, a canadian sports clothes brand, is hosting community yoga classes every Saturday. I tired out their flow yoga and it was wonderful! After yoga, I got some coconut water and took a sunny walk back to the metro station along the sunny Nanjing road, what a wonderful morning it was! But then on Sunday, I discovered how much homework weh ad for Monday AND the muscle soreness from the yoga class kicked in (which I can still feel on Monday).
(And while finishing this post I just realized I will be late for the first class anyway... thank god it only takes 2 minutes to get to school :D)
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