Laupäeval läksime koos Agnese, Ase ja Ernaga (uus läti tüdruk!) Curtisele külla. Ilmaennustus lubas sooja ilma, aga tegelikult oli megatuuline ja me küll üritasime "aiakeses" vapralt kevadet nautida... aga tugev tuul, mis õietolmu joogiklaasi ja silma paiskas ning kananaha ihule ajas, sundis meid lõpuks sisse kolima. Pikk ja laisk pärastlõuna, hiljem suured burksid ja happy hour Abbey Road'i baaris. Ja otseloomulikult läksime lemmikule Yongkang Road'ile, kus me saime kokku Ase kursakaaslasega, kes hetkel Pekingis õpib ja kes on täitsa juhuslikult leedukas, nii et meil oli Shanghais mini-Balti kokkutulek, jee!
This Saturday we visited Curtis again with Agnes, Ase and Erna (another Latvian girl!). The weather forecast promised a really nice & warm weather for Saturday, but it was actually damn windy and altough we tried to stay strong in our little patio-party, well... the wind was carrying pollen into our glasses and eyes and we had goosebumps from the damn cold, so eventually we had to get back inside. So we had a looong and lazy afternoon, which was followed by huge burgers and a happy hour at Abbey Road bar. And then, no surprise, we went to Yongkang Road, where we met Ase's coursemate, who is studying in Beijing now and apparently, he's Lithuanian. So we had a mini-Baltic get-together, wee!
Juust Hiinas on luksus (nagu piimatooted a la jogurt või kodujuust) ja mu harv nauding, seega see Gouda, mille ma külakostiks tõin... ma vist sõin suurema osa ka ise sellest ära :D
Since cheese in China is a luxury thing (like any other milkproducts a la yogurt or cottage cheese) and my rare treat, I think most of the Gouda I brought to nibble on was also eaten by me :D
Jaaaaa siin me just kolisime tuppa tagasi, seega ma olen täielikult ära külmunud, don't let the smile fool you!
Aaaaand here we just went back inside, so I'm totally freezing on this photo - don't let the big smile fool you!
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