Goldroom - Embrace (Novaday Remix)
The other (local) side of Yongkang Road
Ahvike Shanghai Brewery ees! Tal on omanik, kes siis temaga tavaliselt õhtuti prantsuse kontsessiooni kandis hängib ja kerjab. Laupäeval oli ahvike vist halvas tujus, sest ta üritas meile turja karata.
Monkey in front of the Shanghai Brewery! His owner usually hangs out with him at the FCC. I think the monkey had a bad mood on Saturday, 'cause it tried to attack us.
Suitsulõhe salat Shanghai Brewery's
Smoked salmon salad at Shanghai Brewery
Reedeti käin Jiaotongi ülikooli Qibao campuses, kus toimub International Club ja kus ma olen keelepartner, ehk mu tööks on noortega inglise keeles suhelda. Ja 3D puslesid ehitada ja lõbutseda!
On Fridays I go to the Qibao campus of Jiaotong university for the international club. I'm a language partner over there, so basically my job is to talk in english to the students there. And build 3D puzzles at times and in general - to have fun!
Kauplesin tänavalt 4 eurtsiga kaks (võltsitud) raamatut - only in China.
Bargained these two (fake) books for 4 euros from the street - only in China.
Hommikujooks Zhongshan'i pargis on nagu retk botaanikaaeda
Morning runs at Zhongshan park feel like a trip to the botanic gardens
Uued suvised espadrillid!
New summery canvas shoes!
Esmaspäeval oli Tomb Sweeping Day ja koolist vaba päev - aga ega ma ei viitsi voodis hambad laiali magada!
No school on Monday because of the Tomb Sweeping day - and as usual, I don't feel like sleeping in.
Shanghai vanurid on suured mängurid. Moment, kui pargis paviljoni läbides tekib tunne, justkui oleks sattunud illegaalsesse mänguurkasse. Sigaritest raske õhk ja müntide kõlin.
The oldies of Shanghai are quite the gamblers. This is the moment when you pass through a pavillion in a park and can't really figure out, how you made it to this illegal little gambling hell. The air is thick from cigarsmoke and lot's of RMB get exchanged.
Täna oli +26 kraadi sooja, nii et läksin jää-americano'le üle ja päevitasin Bundil jalgu. Samal ajal tundsin end staarina, sest kohalikud turistid käisid vahel totakat päikese käes mõnulevat välismaalast pildistamas (meeldetuletus, et kohalikud väldivad päevitamist ja iluideaaliks on kahvatu nahk).
We had +26 degrees today, so I switched to iced americanos and went to the Bund to expose my milky white legs to the sun. Felt like a celebrity, since some of the local tourists stopped to snap a photo of a silly foreigner sitting in the sun (reminder: the locals avoid tanning and white skin is the beaity ideal here).
Pudong ehk vaade, millest ma ei väsi
Pudong - a view I will never get tired of
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