Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Beatin' the Monday Blues

Neljapäevast pühapäevani oli meil maipühade tõttu pisike vaheaeg ja seda raskem oli naasta argirutiini ning seista silmitsi esmaspäevaga. Esmaspäev on meil nädala pikim päev, kus peale kuut (grammatika, business ja inimgeograafia) hiinakeelset loengut tunneb end paraja juurviljana. 
Seekord mõtlesime, et peame midagi ette võtma, et seda tunnet vältida ja läksime otsima Sprout Lifestyle poekest, kus müüakse kohalikku ja imporditud öko ja orgaanilist toitu, tervisetooteid ja kosmeetikat. Lisaks on poe omanik imearmas ja abivalmis naine, kes meid juba nägupidi tunneb ning alati meiega jutustama tuleb. Üks mu lemmikuid seal poekeses on aga külmkapp, kus on poekese perenaise enda valmistatud küpsised ja banana bread(gluteeni/muna/piima vabad), raw energy balls ning võrratud raw põhimõttel valmistatud koogid.
Haarasime endale tee peale midagi magusat, istusime pargis, sõime ja unistasime päevast, mil naaseme koduköökidesse ja proovime nende retseptide põhjal ise midagi head valmistada. Leidsime veel tänavatel uidates paar nunnut kohta (Green&Safe kohvik ja resto, kus müügil oma aias kasvatatud orgaanilised köögiviljad ja majas on oma pagariäri ning bistroo, mille quinoa salati ma pean järgi proovima) ja lõpuks saime spontaanselt Curtisega kokku Shanghai Brewery's. 
Ühesõnaga vältisime üsna edukalt meie tüüpilist juurviljastumist ja pääsesime ühikatest pisut kaugemale välja, mida me üldjuhul kunagi esmaspäeviti ei viitsi teha... Aga samas, milleks oodata nädalalõppu, et midagi vahvat ette võtta, eks?
Since we had this little 4 day break during Labor Day, and the following days, it seemed so strange to think about a full 5-day school week again. Monday seemed especially frightening as it is, after all, our longest day at uni after which (6 lectures and all in chinese - grammar, business and human geography) we all usually feel as bland as boiled vegetables.
This time we actually decided to fight the feeling and headed for a nice walk in order to find the Sprout Lifestyle shop. where they have everything from local and imported organic foods, health supplements and cosmetics. The shop owner is the most wonderful lady who already greets us like old trusty customers and is aways up for a chat. One of my favourite things about the shop is a fridge stuffed with goodies made by the shop owner and she makes every possible wonderful treat starting from oatmeal cookies and banana bread (gluten/dairy/egg free), raw energy balls and raw cakes.
We grabbed some treats from the fridge and headed to a park for some degustation and dreamed of a day when we're reunited with our kitchens, so we would also get a chance to recreate these wonderful sweets. We also found a couple of cute places, among them a shop and restaurant Green&Safe, which sold their own organic veggies, also had a bakery and a bistro (and I'm determined to try the quinoa salad they had there). Eventually we met up with Curtis at Shanghai Brewery for dinner.
Basically we managed to avoid the usual Monday blues by getting out of the dormitory and the campus, which is what we're usually too tired to do on a regular Monday. But hey, who said you have to wait for the weekend to acutally do something fun?

Monday Blues
Monday Blues
Monday Blues
Two Chinese men laughed behind me and shouted "Lionel Lychee!" and then I started laughing like crazy as well
Monday Blues
My banana bread on the left and raw carrot cake with coconut shreddings that Agnes got on the right
Monday Blues
Monday Blues
Monday Blues
Shanghai Brewery from outside - such a beautiful house!
Monday Blues
Monday Blues
Monday Blues
Fruit shop in the dark and a yellow watermelon
Monday Blues

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