Sunday, May 11, 2014

Rainy Sunday vibes

Asadinho & Ingrid Hakanson - Love Capacity

Heyhey! Taaskord on möödunud üks kiire nädal täis toimetusi-asjatamisi. Märksõnadeks soe ilm, head toidud, pisut ostlemist ja PALJU õppimist. Tõsiselt - olen end rohkem käsile võtnud ja selle asemel, et tavapärasel kombel peale tunde linna peale ekslema minna, pühendan hoopis nii umbes poolteist tunnikest värske materjali üle kordamiseks ja hanzide harjutamiseks. Suutsin isegi Agnest motiveerida endaga liituma ning nüüd istumegi koos kas pargis või kohvikus ja reaalselt teeme tööd. Nädala lõpuks oli juba tulemust tundides näha ja katsun samamoodi jätkata.
Toidu teemal peatudes, soovitaks täiesti uskumatult head kombot, mida igaüks peaks proovima! Vaja vaid pool avokaadot, üht banaani ja (suhkruta) kakaopulbrit. Pudrusta ja sega kõik kokku, pane natukeseks külma ja voila, raw vegan šokolaadipuding. Parajalt rammus ja kakaone, toitev ja üdini kasulik. Minu nädala staar.
Vihmase pühapäeva, mis on ühtlasi emadepäev, veedan õppides ja hea-paremaga maiustades. Kuna kokkamiseks tingimused kesised, siis sel aastal ise midagi ei meisterda, aga leidsin ühe vahukoorese desserdi, mida koos maasikatega nosin ja varsti tervitan empsi skaibis ka (ning õrritan teda maiusega, hihi).
Heyhey! Once again a busy week full of all sorts of activities has passed. Keywords should be warm weather, good food, a bit of shopping and LOTS of studying. I mean it - I've finally pushed myself to work a bit more and instead of just running off to the city after class, I actually squeeze an hour an a half to go through all the material and practice new characters. I think I even influenced Agnes to join me and now we both chill at the park or coffee shop and work on our language skills. The most rewarding part is to actually see results of studying while in class and I'll try to keep it up this way.
Moving on and stopping by on my favourite topic - food. I'd like to recommend this awesome combination of half an avocado, whole banana and unsweetened cocoa powder all mashed together. After keeping that mix in the fridge for some time, you will have your own satisfying, chocolate-y and healthy raw vegan choc pudding. No need to thank me.
As for this rainy sunday, which also happens to be Mothers' Day, I will be chilling at home, studying and treating myself with some goodies. Since my cooking skills are hindered here by the lack of a decent kitchen, I just got this whipped cream dessert thingy and some strawberries to have the traditional treat Mothers' Day treat and soon I'll say hi to her via Skype also (and tease her with the dessert hihi).

Rainy Sunday
Rainy Sunday
Rainy Sunday
Rainy Sunday
Rainy Sunday
A Blog by Kriss. All rights reserved. © 2025 Maira Gall.