Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Hard Day of Studying

Homme on kontrolltöö, seega plaan oli õppida, aga selleks jaguks jaksu vaid pooleteiseks tunniks... Seejärel oli märksa ahvatlevam jalutada Shanghai tänavatel ja uudistada, mis kena piirkonnaga küll tegemist on! 
Another test in Chinese tomorrow, so I had the best intention to just study all day, but could only manage an hour and a half. After that it seemed like a better idea to go take a walk on these cute streets and explore the area a bit better!

Day of Hard Studying (or not)
26 kraadi, muidugi olen kõige lühemates lühkarites koolis
26 degrees, of course I'm wearing my shortest shorts
Day of Hard Studying (or not)
"Agnes, naerata!" või siis mitte
"Agnes, smile for me!" or maybe not
Day of Hard Studying (or not)
Ohh Donghua Campus
Day of Hard Studying (or not)
Day of Hard Studying (or not)
Day of Hard Studying (or not)
Ühes peaaegu salajases kohvikus õppimas
Studying at an almost secret cafe
Day of Hard Studying (or not)
Millegipärast oli täna Prantsuse kontsessiooni tänavatel palju fotoshuute
There was a lot of photoshoots going on today at the FCC
Day of Hard Studying (or not)
Bit of Shanghai style Art Deco architecture at Wukang Road
Day of Hard Studying (or not)
Dream balcony
Day of Hard Studying (or not)
Day of Hard Studying (or not)
Fuxing Road

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