Reedel käisime vanalinnas laternafestivalil - see leiab aset uue aasta viieteistkümnendal päeval (kuukalendri järgi). Sel aastal siis 14. veebruaril, which made it oh so romantic, I guess. PALJU rahvast, ilutulestikku, kära & müra, tõuklemist ja otseloomulikult laternaid.
This Friday we went to see the Lantern Festival in the old town of Shanghai - it takes place on the 15th day of the first month according to the lunar calendar. This year it was on the 14th of Feburary, which made it oh my-god-how-romantic I guess. A LOT of people, fireworks, bustlin'&hustlin', pushing around and of course, lanterns.
Told ya - a lot of people.
A bit of typical street-food - skewers. You can have random meat, fish and veggies grilled for you and costs about 1-4 kuai per skewer. I've only eaten the stuff sold in front of uni tho', since these are the ones I trust (the people grilling there are there every night, so makes them semi-trustworthy...) and I stick to the veggies. But I think all-together I've had them like 3 times and after people started bringing up the gutter oil topic, I'm avoiding street food in general.
Bought a lantern and lost it in the crowds 10 minues later :'(
Haha, Ben was so tall next to all the people, he had to crouch a bit :D
Tacky and cheesy, yes!
Seejärel hakkas meil väga külm ja me läksime ühte traditsioonilisse kohta väiksele dim sum'ile. Ma võtsin need pelmeenid krevettidega...
We started freezing at some point, so we went to this place with traditional quisine for a bit of dim dum. I took these dumplings with shrimps...
... ja niangao azuki ubadega. Mõlemad olid head, aga oma hinda küll väärt polnud.. eks asukoha tõttu oli väga overpriced.
... and a niangao with azuki beans. Both were good, but definitely not worth the price. I guess the location is to blame for the overpricing.
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