Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Oh, April is here!

Olen viimasel ajal täheldanud, et kasutan oma fotokat kahetsusväärselt harva ning see tegi mind kurvaks. Kurvaks, et eelistan olla mugav/laisk ja kasutada telefoni kiireteks klõpsudeks ja kuigi ma hindan väga selle meetodi mugavust, siis... eelistan alati ilusaid läbimõeldud ja mõnusa atmosfääriga fotosid. Kvaliteetseid. Paari päeva jooksul tekkis jällegi massiliselt foto-materjali, seega loodan lähipäevil neid jagada. Seniks hetki tänasel kohvipausilt Agnesega - meil on nimelt kooli nurga peal üks välikohvik terrassiga ning meie, vanad kofeiinisõltklased, käime sealt oma americano'sid hankimas (mis on lisaks mu pea igahommikusele ühele-kahele kohvile, mida ma veel kodus joon... I don't regret a thing though).
I've recently noticed I've been neglecting my camera alot and that kinda made me sad. Sad, that I've become so lazy that I mostly prefer using my phone for quick snaps and even though I do think it's super convenient and handy... well, I will always prefer having beautiful photos with a wonderful atmosphere instead. And as soon as I started getting these thoughts, well would you look at that - I've gotten new photo material in the past few days, which I'm more happy to share here! But for now, moments from our coffee break at the Donghua uni cafe terrace - addicted to caffeine, as we are, we get our daily americanos there.

Wedmesday 2.04
Wedmesday 2.04 Wedmesday 2.04
Wedmesday 2.04
Väike panter katusel
Lil' tiger on the roof
Wedmesday 2.04

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